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bambam had been going out less and was somehow more clingy with yugyeom. yugyeom didn't mind, he loved his best friend. but it just reminded him that he could give bambam kisses or anything else of that nature.

bambam started spending lots of nights to yugyeom's or asking yugyeom if he wanted to stay over at his house. yugyeom never said no even if he knew he had lots of homework or his parents were wondering what was going on.

yugyeom did study for his finals and even got bambam to study even though the older almost never studied for anything. his parents weren't worried, they loved bambam. and once summer was there, they knew the two would never be separated because they lived at each other's houses during the summer along with a few nights of staying at other friend's.

yugyeom smiled at his best friend as he bounded into his arms, making both of them fall onto the bed.

"yuggie, guess what happened today." yugyeom had no clue what could of happened in the hour and a half that they were seperated from each other. so he just waited for bambam to continue, knowing he would. "my mom said we get to go visit thailand the day after school gets out! so not tomorrow but the day after."

"really? for how long?"

"two weeks. i can't wait to see my family!" bambam squealed and cuddled up to yugyeom's chest. "i'll miss you, though."

"i'll miss you, too. but it won't be that long. do you need help packing? i can come over tomorrow and help," yugyeom offered. he knew bambam couldn't have much or even anything packed yet, he had just found out.

"good idea."

"come on, we should study. we both have our history finals tomorrow." yugyeom sat up, making bambam also sit up.

they studied for nearly two hours before they both wanted to pass out. bambam fell back onto yugyeom's bed and accidently hit his head on one of the little cabinets on the bed frame.

he held the back of his head while yugyeom laughed at him but softly touched the back of bambam's head. "is it okay?"

"it really hurts," bambam whined. he leaned up into yugyeom's touch like a cat would when you pet it's head. bambam let yugyeom carefully lay him down, making sure he didn't hit his head again. "don't laugh at me."

"do you want to watch a movie and have popcorn?" yugyeom asked, knowing bambam would say yes. bambam nodded so yugyeom, after cleaning off the bed, went to the kitchen to make popcorn for them.

yugyeom couldn't help but think about how cute bambam was and how much he wanted to make care of the boy when he bumped his head. but it would be weird for him to do. he wanted to kiss the back of bambam's head because he knew the older would giggle cutely. but he couldn't.

yugyeom sighed as he poured the popcorn into a bowl. when he got back to his room, bambam already had a movie picked out for them to watch. on yugyeom's tv was the beginning of the simpson movie, which yugyeom only owned because it was bambam's favorite movie.

bambam lifted the blanket he had ended up under so yugyeom could join him. he also stole a handful of popcorn as yugyeom sat down. he giggled at yugyeom with a mouthful of popcorn and yugyeom couldn't help but smile at him.

bambam laid his head on yugyeom's chest as they watched the movie and ate popcorn together. yugyeom was watching the movie but bambam was on his mind (and his chest).

"are you staying here tonight?" yugyeom asked. he wanted to play with bambam's hair but he didn't want to get popcorn butter in his hair. bambam nodded as well as he could with his head still against yugyeom's chest.

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