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"why did he have to tell you?" jinyoung sulked to his older boyfriends. of all people, bambam had to tell jackson that he had a crush on a guy. and that guy wasn't yugyeom. jinyoung would of been ecstatic if it was yugyeom. but it was just some guy none of them even knew.

"do you think he'll tell yugyeom?" jackson pushed jinyoung's hair off his forehead only for it to fall back into place. jinyoung's head was laying in jackson's lap while mark sat next to both of them, his fingers caressing jinyoung's neck as he listened.

"probably. 99.9% sure he'll tell yugyeom. i'm just scared of how yugyeom will take it. he's used to bambam hooking up with guys but bambam's never really had a crush on a guy."

jinyoung closed his eyes as he thought. he didn't know what to do. should he tell yugyeom or should he let bambam tell yugyeom?

jinyoung had told jackson and mark about how yugyeom felt about bambam and jackson told them about bambam's crush on. they said it was obvious but they never knew for sure.

"i hope yugyeom takes it well."

"yugyeom!" bambam shouted. he jumped onto yugyeom's bed, nearly tumbling off but yugyeom grabbed his arm before he could. "i need to tell you something."

"what is it?" yugyeom was almost nervous even though he knew he had no reason to. it wasn't like bambam was about to confess to him but in his dream world, that would happen.

"i have a crush on someone and he likes me and wants to go on a date but i'm kind of nervous."

yugyeom felt his mood drop, along with his heart. but he had to act like nothing was wrong despite the feeling of tears welling in his eyes. he blinked a few times and smiled as believable as he could.

he asked bambam to tell him about his crush and bambam happily did. he even blushed, and bambam didn't blush a lot.

"so, when's your date?" yugyeom felt bad for wanting the conversation to end and wanting bambam to leave but he wanted to call jinyoung and be able to cry.

"on saturday." in two days, bambam would go on a date with a guy yugyeom didn't know but would probably just call him "asshole". not that he even knew if the guy was an asshole but he could be. and he was taking his best friend (and crush) on a date. "i'm really excited, yuggie."

yugyeom nearly lost it when bambam called him "yuggie". he wasn't mad at bambam. he was mad at himself. he had a crush on his best friend and it was unfair to bambam.

"i'm really happy for you, bambam." yugyeom reminded himself that he would never lose bambam. their names were tattooed on each other. but he may never be in a relationship with him either. and he had to deal with that. "hey, i think i'm getting sick and don't feel that good, so if you want to leave... sorry, you came all the way over here."

"oh, okay. i hope you feel better." bambam gave yugyeom a tight hug before he left. yugyeom started crying the moment he saw bambam leave his driveway.

when he calmed down enough to talk, which was barley, he called jinyoung. and the moment jinyoung heard yugyeom crying and unable to speak, jinyoung said he'd been there soon and hung up.

yugyeom didn't even know jinyoung was there. the older talked to yugyeom's mom first for a few seconds before he ran to yugyeom's room. it broke his heart to see yugyeom laying on his bed, bawling his eyes out.

jinyoung sat next to him and rubbed his back. yugyeom would usually jump and get a bit scared and both of them could laugh about it but yugyeom didn't react.

"yugyeomie, it's okay." jinyoung couldn't say much else and he knew yugyeom wouldn't listen to him anyway. and he completely understood.

"bammie likes some asshole!" yugyeom sobbed, his crying and yelling muffled by his pillow that his face was stuffed into. "he was blushing! he never blushes!"

jinyoung wasn't sure how well yugyeom could breathe so he pulled the younger up and put his head in his lap. he didn't know how to help but it was all he wanted to do.

so jinyoung rubbed yugyeom's arm and told him it was okay to cry. jinyoung had no problem when he was laying down with yugyeom on top of him. it was easier to rub his back and whisper to him, telling him everything would be okay.

despite yugyeom being taller and just larger in general than jinyoung, he wanted to be coddled when he cried without even realizing it.

jinyoung snuck a look at his phone to see texts from mark and jackson. when yugyeom called him, jinyoung ran out of mark's apartment with only a quick "yugyeom" before he was gone.

"do you want mark and jackson to come over? they can bring food and a choco shake." yugyeom nodded but let out a sob seconds after. jinyoung continued to rub his back while he texted his boyfriends to meet him at yugyeom's and to bring food and a choco shake.

it took 20 minutes for them to get there. jinyoung let yugyeom sit between his legs and he wrapped his arms around the younger's torso so he could sway him side to side.

the three didn't act like a couple so they didn't upset yugyeom. and because yugyeom's sanity was more important than acting like a couple.

"when was the last time you ate, yug?" jackson asked as he grabbed the burger king food they got out of the bags.

"he told me he had breakfast around 10 and that's the last thing he ate," jinyoung asked for the boy who was trying to breathe calmly. the hiccups in his breathing frustrated him and made him feel short of breath everytime. it was a panicky breathing that made his chest heave everytime.

so jackson put yugyeom's food in front of him and gave him his choco shake, not telling him there was a second one in the fridge so he could have it as a surprise for later.

they had no problem babying yugyeom. yugyeom very rarely got so upset. he always acted strong because bambam was sensitive and yugyeom could comfort him. and yugyeom was their youngest friend, they wanted to take care of him.

once yugyeom ate, mark and jinyoung went to go get some things and jackson stayed with yugyeom. yugyeom, who was always the big spoon, was the little spoon with jackson behind him.

"you know i used to like bambam," jackson told yugyeom, holding him tight. yugyeom was still sniffling, occasionally starting to cry again but not too much.

"really?" yugyeom asked softly. jackson nodded with his head on yugyeom's shoulder. "how did you get over him?"

"i told him, actually. and he told me he saw me as a brother and that was all i needed. our relationship didn't change and you guys would be the same. your relationship is too good for that."

"jackie, where did mark and jinyoung go?" jackson wasn't surprised the topic change. he knew how hard it would be for yugyeom to tell bambam, his best friend, that he liked him.

"to the store. they'll be back soon."

when they got back, they covered yugyeom and his bed with all the blankets, and pillows, and plushies that they bought him. yugyeom giggled as his friends cuddled him.

yugyeom, tired from crying, fell asleep with jackson on his left and jinyoung and mark on his right. if nothing else, yugyeom would always have friends to look after him and bambam who would always love him, even if it wasn't in the way yugyeom craved.

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