I open up my laptop to see that I had a couple messages from Elliot, now those I was surprised to see. Usually when he responds last and I don't, he will wait for me to reply. I pull up my email, and read what he sent

EStab: Good morning beautiful didn't hear from you last night, hope everything's alright?

EStab: So, I was wondering if there was any possibility you'd like to maybe talk on the phone? That is if you have a cell phone or if you'd even want to let me have it

EStab: Haha, now who's the one rambling? I'm sorry, I'm sure you're still sleeping, message me when you wake if you'd like, sleep time beautiful.

I smiled seeing that he had called me beautiful not even knowing what I looked like. I decided that I would message him back first real quick.

LivB: Yes, everything's alright. I fell asleep last night. Yeah of course you can text me, my number is 555-707-6283. Also, how do you know I'm beautiful? For all you know I could look like a weird alien hybrid.

After responding I pushed myself out of my warm comfy bed, my muscles groaning in discomfort. I grabbed my phone and decided I'd call Casey back first. After a couple rings, she answered yelling out me name.

O: Jeez case, throw out my ear drum why don't you?

C: Why haven't you answered any of my text's, I was seriously worried about you!

O: Why were you worried? Also do you know why Alex and Melinda blew my phone up as well?

C: So, the guy I've been writing to, is friends with Elliot, and I guess Elliot was out of it last night worried about you since you kind of abruptly left when your mom came home. I mean, I know that you haven't told him anything, but when Fin told me that, I instantly messaged you, and when I didn't hear from you, I thought the worst. Excuse me for being a worried friend.

O: Wait, did you tell the guy's about anything with my mother?

I panicked. Not that I was completely ashamed by it or anything, but usually when they found out that my mother was a raging abusive alcoholic because she was raped one night, and the result of it being me. She can't stand to look at me at times and it kills me, but, over the years, I've gotten used to it, or tried to at least. When I was younger I never really understood why my mom always looked so sad when she would look at me. Every birthday was spent by myself with an occasional cupcake that only lasted until I was 6. Don't get me started on the fact that she was never interested in anything I did, or accomplished. Finally, when I was 9 she came home drunker then normal and revealed the dark secret of my being. That killed me when I was younger, and I blamed myself for my mothers pain, though, I knew deep down, that not of that was my fault, there was nothing that I could've possibly done to help, or to make her feel better, except, keep my distance, and make sure to never bug her with anything that had to do with me. Sounds a little harsh, but, it works.

C: Of course I didn't. That's not my story to tell or even try to explain. Look, he was just worried about you, which, btw, I think is soops cute. Anyways, in all seriousness, are you okay?

O: Yes Case, I promise I'm fine.

C: Alright if you say so. Mel, Lex and I were going to head to the mall for a while did you want to tag along?

I thought about it for a second, and a trip to the mall and out of the house didn't sound that bad. Agreeing to her, we created plans for them to swing by in about an hour so we can all go hang out and grab some lunch. I looked down at my computer and saw that Elliot wasn't online yet, I dropped a quick message letting him know that I was going to go and hang out with the girls and for him to just message me on my cell.

It Started With A LetterWhere stories live. Discover now