Chapter One

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Hey Guys! Some of you may Recognize this story from the Watt-pad! DarlingMariska was My old account and I had created a story that everyone seemed to love back in 2015. I was a lot younger and couldn't keep up with the story, so I decided that I would Re-Write it!It was always a plot that I had in my head so Decided to write it. With me being so young when I started it, I had a lot going on, like moving to live with my grandmother, and schooling, a lot got in the way to the point that I stopped writing and using this app. Now, I felt as though I could write a newer updated version of the book some seemed to love! Without further ado, here are out two favorite Detectives..


( Olivia's POV )

Today was going by excruciatingly slow. The Teachers were all pretty much lecturing about the same thing's but obviously for different subjects. As of now, I was stuck listening to Miss Yager about how to divide this fraction even though we learned how to do that in 6th grade. I just wanted to go home, lay in bed with some pajamas on. throw on re runs of " I love Lucy!" and drown out the entire world.

Finally the bell rung me out of my day dream and boredom, thank god. Collecting my items, I throw them all into my bag and head out into the hallway so set my adventure of to my English class, my last class of the day. Which meant I was an hour away from my sweet sweet bed.

" Hey Case." I said running into her once I walked out the door. Casey and I have been friends for as long as I can remember. We ended up meeting at the park near the house when we were about 5 years old, and ever since we found out we would be going to the same school, we've been attached at the hip ever since.

" Hey Liv, Also did you hear about what we're apparently doing in English Class?" She said, turning to look at me with a bit of excitement in her eyes.

" Well, Considering it looks like you want to all but dash to the classroom, I'm going to go ahead and guess that there is no big surprise test." I laughed.

She rolled her eyes, " Apparently we are going to be assigned to people in the military to become pen pals with. Doesn't that sound fun?" She exclaimed excitingly.

I raise my eyebrows, " Writing to the Military? Doesn't that seem a little weird to you? Writing to a person that you don't even know? For all you know they could be a giant creep." I rolled my eyes.

" Oh stop being such a Debby downer Olivia, For all you know this could be really fun. I mean, you could very well end up falling for said soldier.." She trailed off, while I swung my hand at her as she laughed while dodging my attack.

Both her and I laughing we continue walking towards our English class. When we arrive her and I both take our seats in the way back away where our other two friends, Melinda and Alex are waiting. Just like with Casey, I have know Alex for almost as long as Casey, Once the school year started there was a new girl, Alexandra, and Casey and I knew we had to Snag her before anyone else could take the blonde beauty. As for Melinda we didn't end up meeting her until Junior High, But we love her all the same.

"Alright Class!" Mrs. Coleman exclaimed making all her students give her their undivided attention. " Today I will be Assigning you each a person from the Military to write letters to. Becoming a Pen Pal in a way. If after this one letter you decide that you want to continue writing letters, that's fine with me, However this first letter will count as your grade, I will not be reading any of them, But I will be sending them off for the first time. I want you guy's to spend the rest of the period writing the letter. I have assigned all of you one soldier already, once I hand them out, get started immediately."

Some student's groaned, where as some student's looked really excited, Casey and Alex being two of them.

As the teacher was handing out the names to the student's I turned towards the girls, " How are you guy's at all, not weirded out by this? What am I supposed to share by deepest and inner most thoughts to them?" I say groaning.

"This isn't therapy, Liv." Melinda laughed, " For all I care you can pretend to be an entirely different person." She had a point.

" I don't know, I'm actually pretty excited. I've always wanted to do something like this." Alex stated, already pulling out her pencil case.

As the teacher continued handing out the names, Melinda ended up having to write to some guy named Odafin Tutuola, Alex, A guy named John Munch, Casey a guy named Chester Lake, As for me, apparently his name was Elliot Stabler. She left us, to go about our letters, I for one, had no idea how to even start this.. Perfect. Just Perfect. Alright, well, lets just give this a shot..

Dear Elliot Stabler,

So, I am supposed to be writing a letter to you for my English assignment. It doesn't have to be a long termed thing, apparently you don't even need to respond, so feel lucky. In all honesty I have no idea what to write. I guess I'll start off with the basics when meeting someone new? My names Olivia Benson. I'm currently 17 years old, turn 18 in a month. I am a senior in High-school. My favorite color is Green. I like scary movies, or love, I don't know which one to label yet, for now, I'll call it an unhealthy obsession. Uhm, I have no pets, never had one, except for that one time my friend Casey found a stray cat in the street. It slept in my closet for 3 days until my mom found out. I had name her grinchy. As for anything else, there really isn't much about me. I hope this letter didn't bore you to much. Have a nice rest of your day soldier.

                       - O. B

Once I finished the letter I folded it up and sealed it in the envelope Mrs, Coleman had given us. Once I was finished, the bell ended up ringing dismissing the class.

" So, is anyone else really hoping that they write back?" Casey stayed as we all started walking out the class. All of us Nodded, and secretly, I really wished that this person did.

It Started With A LetterWhere stories live. Discover now