Chapter Eleven

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As they leaned in for a kiss, the loud beeping of the stove made them jump apart, with hearts racing. Olivia started laughing while Elliot softly started cursing out the stove as he walked to take the Pizza that he had put in for them earlier.

Hoping up on the counter with her water bottle, she watched as Elliot placed the pizza a top the stove, cutting it into strip for both of them. "That smells really good." She pointed out, her mouth watering as he pulled a slice of onto a plate for her, the melted cheese oozing off the sides. Handing her the plate, Elliot served himself up a slice as well before they both made their way towards the couch where the movie menu was playing.


When the movie finally ended, Elliot looked down where Olivia lay sleeping on his lap. In the middle of the movie she had migrated a little closer to him, eventually placing her head down in his lap, spreading the rest of herself long ways on the couch. Running his hands through her hair, he sat there thinking about the events that had played out. He needed a game plan. There was one thing he knew for certain. He did not want Olivia heading back to her house at all, but he also didn't want her to get in any more trouble then what she probably would be getting if her mom came back home later tonight to look for her. There were so many unanswered questions that Elliot had. Slowly, Elliot stood up all the while making sure not to disturb Olivia to much, laid her head back down on a couch pillow that he had, before draping a throw blanket around her. Once he was satisfied that she was still sleeping, he picked up her bags and headed towards the room that she would be sleeping in. Unpacking her clothes, he put it in the top drawer of the dresser. Taking out her laptop, he set it up along with the charger on the desk he also had inside the room.

Deciding that he needed a shower, with one last glance at Olivia asleep in the living room, he walked towards his bedroom, entering the bathroom for a very very needed shower.

Out in the living room, Olivia sturred a bit, before groggily waking up and seeing that Elliot was nowhere in sight. Listening closely, she could hear the faint noise of water running. Smiling a bit, she stood up and made her way towards the middle bathroom that Elliot had showed her earlier. Closing the door behind her, she turned and looked at herself in the mirror. Sighing, She examined the hefty bruise on her face. It went from the top left corner of her forehead, all along the side of her nose squaring off into the top of her cheek bone. Lifting her shirt, checking up on the bruises she found earlier, they looked and even deeper purple with tints of red in the inner parts. Deciding that since he was getting a shower she would too, she opened the door, turned the lights out and made her descent down the hallway towards the room Elliot said she could sleep in. Walking in, she found the light switch flipping it on, only to stop and smile at the thoughtfulness of Elliot, that he had pulled all her items out to make her feel as comfortable as possible. Walking on over to the desk she sat down in the chair opening her laptop to check for any emails that she may have missed. She had an IM from Alex and a IM from Casey.

Immediately opening up Casey's IM, she read what she had to say,

C: Hey Liv.. Listen I'm sorry about my outburst earlier in the house, it was completely uncalled for and completely out of character. I was just really worried about you. I love you too much to just watch you be in pain. I hope that you didn't end up pushing Elliot away. I message him a bit after I stormed out, but I haven't heard back from him yet so I'm not sure what happened. Call me please when you get the chance so I know that we're okay? Or at least update me on the most recent outcomes.

Olivia wasn't mad at Casey. Was she a little upset earlier? Of course, but it was only because she was still confused and not really paying attention to anyone else's problems. The only thing running through her mind was the fact that everything was crashing down around her so quickly that she couldn't see straight.

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