Chapter Five

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" Olivia!" I heard my mom scream, as she slammed through the front door, yelling my name loudly. Great, she was in a bad mood. Turning back towards the computer, I quickly type

LivB: I have to go, my moms home and, yeah, I'll message you later tonight okay? I'm sorry El.

Closing my laptop, I go ahead and start heading downstairs, hearing a crash in the kitchen, seeing the remnants of a liqueur bottle all over the floor, flooding the kitchen tiles.

"Yes mom?" I respond, tentatively walking into the kitchen entrance.

She spun around in her drunken state, glaring at me once she saw me, " I thought I told you to clean this kitchen! It's absolutely disgusting in here, what are you, a pig?" She screamed.

Taking a chance, I responded back to her. " I did clean the kitchen." I responded with a snappy tone.

Before I knew it, I was knocked back from the force of the harsh slap that landed on my face, tears springing to my eyes instantly I narrowed my eyes.

" Oh don't look at me like that. You know you deserved that, you don't speak to your mother like that." She took a sip of the vodka that was in her hand, before chucking the bottle at me, hitting me directly in me stomach, her drawing in close wrapping her hand in my hair, tugging my head down a bit, " I don't want to see your face for the rest of the day, do you understand me?" She hissed.

I nodded, and waited for her to release my hair. When she did I fell to the floor and went to get up when an unexpected kick hit my abdomen causing me to double over, another one hitting the same spot causing me to writhe as she repeated the action a couple times, until she lost interest, and walked upstairs to where her room lay, slamming the door once inside.

I slumped hearing the door close and lay, curled up in a ball on the kitchen tile, softly crying to myself, unable to move, not risking any type of movement that would cause sharp pains.

After a couple minutes of laying there, squinting as I got up from the pain in my ribs, I hold them, as I limp my way back up the stairs to my bedroom. Once in my room, I head into the bathroom and look in the mirror only to see that with the harsh slap, she had busted my lip and left quite a bruise on the side of my face. Lifting my shirt, I also saw that there was a big bruise forming on both my lower abdomen and my ribs.

Sighing, I turn on the faucet in my bath, making sure that the water is the hottest it can be, I grab a bottle of bubble bath and pore some in, as well as lighting a few candles. I limp my way back into the bedroom and open my laptop, seeing that I had a couple missed messages from Elliot,

EStab: Hey Liv, You there? ( 1 hour and 22 Minutes ago )

EStab: Sorry if I'm bugging you at all, just want to know if you're okay. ( 43 Minutes ago )

EStab: I'm going to hit the hay soon. I hope you're doing alright and I hope that you sleep well. I really did enjoy our talk earlier Olivia. Sweet dreams, and message me tomorrow?

Smiling a bit, I close my laptop, figuring I'll just respond in the morning. I grab my I pod and earbuds, and head back into the bathroom to shut the water off all the while getting in, wishing for the hot water to soothe my aching muscles.


The next morning I woke up to my ribs killing me making it hard to breathe in and out comfortably. I sneak a peak of the time on my phone to see that the time was 10:24 and I had 2 missed calls from Alex, 6 calls from Casey, 1 call from Melinda and a couple text messages from each of them. Jesus, why are they blowing up my phone? Double checking to make sure that it was indeed Saturday and not a school day, I shake my head wondering what the hell they need me for.

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