Chapter Two: Boxes and Loses

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Collin had left the house early in the morning to meet Alex down town. On the way out the door he dropped his keys. The loud jingle of the keys had summoned Wilbur to the door. The cat started purring and meowing at Collin's leg. "Wilbur, shhh!" Collin hissed at his cat who was now out in the yard. "Great." Collin said calmly.

After ten minutes of chasing the furry little beast, Collin finally started to make his way down to the corner run by a man named Phil. Phil had been another one of Collin's friends, he was a fifty something year old rather round man who managed to keep his little corner store in business and make friends while doing it. " Hi Phil." Shouted Collin. "Hello Collin." Phil replied. "I'm here for my usual," Collin said "ah yes, chocolate chip muffin and a small coffee with one cream." This was the order Collin had made everyday for the past year and a half. "Did you know when Alex was coming?" Asked Collin. "So you didn't hear," Phil said in a depressed tone. Suddenly Collin froze at the way Phil said the spine chilling words that leaked from his mouth.

"Phil, what do you mean when you say I didn't hear?" Collin asked as calmly as he could "well Collin," Phil hesitated for a moment "Last night ,uh, Alex had been walking down from the ferry and," Phil looked away and shifted his gaze to a puddle of red liquid "What happened to Alex!" Collin was now using a very demanding voice. "It was really late and, a man went up from behind Alex and slipped a narrow, gleaming blade through Alex's chest," Phil began to cry. " I-I wanted to help,but all I could do was call an ambulance, and now," Collin met Phil's gaze. "So my best friend is dead?" Collin said in the most unpleasant voice. Collin I'm so sorry." Phil weeped. "It's ok," Collin started. "It's not like there was anything you could have done." A tear dripped down Collin's face. There was a pause. Collin had no reason to stay. "Bye Phil," he said. " I'll see you soon." Collin began to walk. He looked at his best friends blood one last time before he left it forever.

Collin made his way back home, he looked at the front doorstep, where a cardboard box lay at its base. Collin's mother opened the door. "Collin, you should come inside son, it's pouring rain out here." She said. Collin hadn't even noticed that it was raining, he didn't have time to think about the weather. "Ok." Collin nodded.he made his way inside the house where he noticed everything had been put away in more cardboard boxes. There was no more furniture or anything. His house felt just as empty as he did. Collin found a box and sat on it. His father had entered the room and frowned at Collin. "Collin, Alex died last night." Joe told him. "I know," Collin responded. "I saw where it happened." He looked at the floor, there was a stain he had never noticed, there had always been a rug on that part of the floor. "There is going to be a funeral tomorrow." His mother said. "His father would be very appreciative if you could come." Collin remembered Alex's dad, he had always been a kind man but he hadn't been completely happy since his wife had past away four years before. Collin couldn't even imagine how he must be feeling having lost his son only four years after his wife. "Of course I'm going to the funeral, mr. Daniels just lost his only son, and who would I be if I didn't attend my best friends funeral?" Collin could feel tears in his eyes but he never let anyone see him cry so he contained himself for that time being. " what's with all of the boxes?" He asked already knowing what he was going to hear. "Since there has been a murder we decided that it would be safer if we moved out, so as of tomorrow after the funeral we will be moving to Manhattan." His mother left the room in tears. She had lived in this house her whole life, when her parents had died she inherited the house and raised Collin in there. "So I'm going to change schools, and we're moving out to Manhattan?" Collin was alarmed but he knew it was best for him to go away from this danger that was his home. "We're sorry Coll, but we can't let you be hurt after this, and I'm sure your friends at school will call you when your gone." Collin looked his father in the eyes and stood up. "That's the thing though, I haven't got any other friends, and life in Manhattan will probably be fun and safer so there is nothing to be sorry about." Collin made his way up to his now empty bedroom. 

He lay on the floor where his bed had been. He didn't feel like being awake anymore, he just wanted his friend back. He stared at the door of his bedroom and remembered that it had once been a different colour, though that didn't matter. He knew that he would never live the same way again but he also knew that Alex would have wanted him to stay strong, so he had to be strong for his best friend. He was going to that funeral tomorrow and then he would leave Staten Island forever. Collin closed his eyes and dreamt of Alex being stabbed, but he couldn't see the person stabbing him. Collin whispered to himself " don't worry Alex you will not be forgotten, nor will your murderer."

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