Meanwhile in Thanos's rock collection

Start from the beginning

"I am Groot." "What do you mean you can't go any further than this," I asked Groot. "I am Groot." "A barrier?" "I am Groot." I went to stand next to Groot and tried to reach out with my hand. There it was, a barrier. "That's strange." "No, Strange is over there," little Peter said as he pointed over to Stephen, who had decided to join us this one time. Stephen rolled his eyes in reply. "If there is a barrier we must break it, this might be the way to going back to our normal realm," Drax said and he charged. He ran headfirst into the barrier, bad idea, hit it and was thrown back several feet. "Nice job," Hope told him sarcastically. "At least I'm trying to do something." "Did you ever hear of making a plan?" "He hasn't," I told her. "I thought so." "Wait, isn't this a force field," little Peter asked. "It is," Hope replied. "What of it?" I asked. "Well, a force field... it must be powered by something..." "Something being powered by something in the Soulworld?" "It sounds strange, but the kid is right. This is a force field, if we find its source of power, we'll be able to break it down by destroying it." "Destroying its power source?" "It should work." "If there's no back up system." "And you think it'll get us out of here?" I asked them. "You really want to know what I think," Hope asked me. "Well, yes." "I don't think it'll get us out. Look around you, you see all kinds of people from all kinds of planets, right?" "Uhu, but what has that got to do with it?" "some of those races are far more advanced than us humans, if there was a way out, surely they must have found it by now." "Then what's up with the force field," little Peter asked. "I think it's hiding something."

"Hiding something? Why would the Soulworld be hiding something? It doesn't make any sense," I said as we were back at our base camp." "Maybe it isn't the stone that is hiding something," Mantis whispered, "Maybe it's Thanos." I looked up, "What would Thanos have to hide?" "The evidence of what he did to retrieve this stone." "Wait, you think Gamora is in there? On the other side I mean?" "Well, I did feel a presence, it wasn't until we were back here that I realized the presence was familiar." "Wait, you felt a presence... how?" "I think it's because of this world, I don't need to touch somebody to know how they feel... Everything is different here." "So, what do you say? You think we should look for that power source so we can destroy it and see if it's really Gamora on the other side?" "I think we should," Drax said, "she's a part of our family, we should do what we can to find her and reunite with her." "I am Groot," Groot agreed. "We should," Mantis said. "Alright," I nodded, "it's settled then. We're going to look for that power source."


They were trying to look for a way to break out. I understood why they did it, but I also knew that it was a hopeless cause. Why I didn't help? Well, why would I? Why would I want to go back if I had nobody to go back to? Sure, I had my friends, but... the people who I loved, who I really loved, they were all dead. I saw no reason in going back. I honestly wished that I was dead. Really dead. So I could be reunited with my family in the afterlife, if there was such a thing as an afterlife, or so I wouldn't have to life with the fact that they were dead... gone... forever, not anymore.

"Hey, you're Scarlet Witch, right?" I looked up to find Peter Parker staring at me. "I am," I told him. "I'm Spider-Man, you know, from Germany?" "Yeah, you're the kid who stole Cap's shield, right?" "I'm not a kid, I'm seventeen." "That makes you a kid." "Well, I'd say teenager, but-." "Kid." "Yeah, okay, kid is fine. Anyway, I just wanted to say that you're awesome." "Uh, thanks?" "You're welcome." He walked off and I smiled a little. Peter was a good kid, he was enthusiastic, full of life... he shouldn't be here. I sighed, "Screw you Thanos," I whispered, "screw you for putting all of this in motion, for sending Loki to earth with that damn Mind stone..." If he hadn't, my brother and I could have lived normal lives... or as normal as would have been possible for two orphans. You wouldn't have met Vision though, the voice in my head told me. Yeah, and so he wouldn't have died on me either. Mind you, Pietro wouldn't have died either if we hadn't had our powers... we would have been normal kids, we wouldn't have been at the heart of the fight, we would have fled. I sighed. Be a little nicer to yourself Wanda... After all, you did destroy Ultron... you tried to defend earth from aliens, you don't have to bring yourself down...

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