Chapter one - Time what?

Start from the beginning

A few people answered good, some with great, most of us stayed quiet though, looking stunned at her.

She grinned and looked at us all, her gaze stopping at me slightly.

“So, how about we take pictures now and I sign you guys stuff?” She asked, clapping her hands and standing up. Everybody nodded and she said that it would be logical to go in the row of how we sat in the circle. I was lucky, because I was the fourth one to be able to get to her.

“Hey there, what's your name?” She asked, once I stood next to her, my hands shaking.

“Uh R-Rebekah” I replied nervously. She smiled and nodded, hugging me.

“Nice to meet you” She whispered, before pulling away. I smiled brightly, before handing my phone to Nicole, who said she would take a picture of us. I stood next to Laura, as she hugged me, both of us facing the camera and smiling brightly.

Nicole froze slightly, shaking her head, before taking the picture.

“Can I sign something for you?” Laura asked, making me nod and look through my notebook, before pulling out the picture.

“I met you guys about half a year ago...” I explained shyly, making her smirk at me.

“It's a nice picture” She said. I turned around as she signed the picture on my back. She then hugged me again, spinning us a bit while doing so, making me chuckle. She winked at me, and carried on taking pictures and talking to the fans.

Nicole was still looking confused at me, making me look worried at her.

“What's wrong?” I asked.

“It's just that... Oh never mind … It was just a stupid thought of mine, everything's fine” She said, smiling.

I nodded slowly, not really buying it, but if she said that it was okay, then I wanted to believe her.

About two hours later, Laura explained that she had to go now, because she had to finish the blog she was filming while meeting us.

Everybody got a goodbye hug, and I smiled once it was my turn.

“It was a pleasure meeting you Rebekah!” She said, making me look stunned at her. She didn't remember anyone’s name, why mine?

I furrowed my eyebrows, before being embraced in a hug.

“Check your bag when the crowd vanishes” She whispered, before pulling away and smiling at me.

I frowned and walked back, sitting down on the fountain. Even though I had no idea why, I decided to do like I was told.

Nicole and I exchanged numbers, before she told me she had to leave. I nodded and got up as well, walking a bit away from the crowd. As I saw a small side aisle, I walked in and leaned against the wall, opening my bag and looking through it, searching for whatever.

My fingers then ghosted over something cool. Furrowing my eyebrows, I reached further down, and pulled out a long, golden necklace. To the necklace attached for two rings, that were around a round golden plate. There was also a small note, that I decided to read.

'Use this necklace wisely. You're going to regret if you use it the wrong way. If you need help, go to your aunt'

I looked confused at the note, and started to inspect the necklace.

'I mark the hours, every one, Nor have I yet outrun the Sun. My use and value, unto you, Are gauged by what you have to do.'

I frowned even more. What was that all supposed to mean?

I will meet you in the past ~ An Alex Gaskarth FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now