Chapter 12 - Who am I?

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It felt weirdly awkward to walk back to the house of my aunt. I heard talking laughing out of their living room, making me smile. Deciding it would be best to enter through the garden, so I walked around the house and opened the garden fence, the conversation getting louder and louder the closer I got to the door. As I entered the livingroom, all faces snapped at me, making me freeze in my spot. There sat my Aunt and Uncle, along with my parents and myself at the dinnertable.

"Laura!"My aunt said happily, standing up and hugging me. "Try to stay authentic" she whispered, making me smile and nod, hugging her back tightly.
"I missed you so much dear" she said, hugging me tighter. I nodded and let go slowly, looking at the other people at the table.
"Well, my dears, this is Laura, remember the girl I gave shelter to a few months ago? I didn't expect you to come back so fastly though" She laughed, introducing me to my parents. I smiled and scratched the back of my head.
"Yeah, well a few things changed as I was away, and well I thought it would be best to come back again" I explained. "Hi guys, it's very nice to meet you, as already mentioned, my name is Laura!" I smiled and shook the hands of my parents. "And who are you?" I asked, crouching down and pinching her cheek.
"I'm Rebekah!" she smiled happily, cheeks turning red.
"Well it's very nice to meet you" I said, standing up tall again.
"You look fairly familiar, have we met before?" my mother asked me, eying me suspiciously.
"No, I'm afraid we haven't" I said, trying not to sound nervous.
"Well Laura, why don't you go upstairs and get settled in again? I believe you had quite a travel after all" My uncle said, winking at me. Nodding, I grabbed my bag and walked upstairs into my room and smiling at my good old bed.
As I was about to lie down, I looked out of the window, seeing Jules laughing at something in her room,before a guy came towards her and hugged her from behind. I cocked my head interested, yet confused since the guy behind her didn't look closely like Jack. I shook it off and started putting my clothes into the wardrobe, when there was a knock on the door.
I opened the door and in front of it stood my mother, looking at me.
"Uh sorry did you get lost?"I asked, trying to avoid further conversation.
"How come I know you? How come you were so good with Rebekah? She never sits so still when foreigners touch her. She would have usually freaked out like she was set on fire, however she was completely calm and happy. Who are you?" she asked, looking at me with squinted eyes.
"Like I said, I'm Laura Mu-" I started, as I was interrupted by her.
"No, no I don't want to hear that crap. Listen, I know my sister is a timetraveler, if you can even call her my sister, and I know the lies. I know how to keep up the facade. So tell me, who are you really?"she started digging.
"Listen I don't know what you're talking about I really need to unpack these things and..." I answered and didn't know how to explain my sudden appearance.
"I will get to know what happened, and up until then, believe me, I'm going to keep a close eye on you" she threatened, walking out of the room,closing the door quietly.
Not soon after, I heard the front door close and quickly went down the stairs, waiting for my aunt to reappear in the hallway.
"We need to talk" I said emotionless,making her sigh and nod, walking us into the kitchen where we sat down andshe poured me a glass of water.
"What do you want to know?"she asked, frowning ever so slightly.
"Who are you really? Imean... you are not my aunt, so who are you?" I asked confused.
My whole life seemed to be turned around. My aunt didn't seem to be my aunt and I didn't even have my parents right now. I seemed to be completely alone, with nobody who I could trust.
"Well... we are related. All though I have lived in a time way before you. I was born sometime between May and August in the year of 1780.Back then, we didn't count days and didn't use calendars either. We just kind of orientated on the weather, the sun and all this stuff. In the year of 1799 my grand mother gave me a necklace, as she was lying in her deathbed. Apparently she also had one, which was destroyed shortly aftershe came into my time. She couldn't really explain what the device was, so I had to find out myself. It took me a few times to figure out how the time travel worked, but eventually I found out. So after I got my mission and traveled into this time, I didn't know where I should go. However I was lucky that the library kept the family trees of the families here in Baltimore. As I was searching for my relatives, I found out that we eventually became quite famous, since one of my great grand nieces married the brother of one of the presidents, our family received quite some fame. After this, it was easy. I looked up the closest living relatives I had and walked to their home, since I had no idea what trains and cars were up until that point and to be quite fair I didn't trust them. So after a while I walked up to the house and knocked lightly, and an elder lady, who turned out to be the mother of your mother, opened the door. After I explained everything thoroughly, she smiled a warm smile and let me in. Your mother has just had been born, so we thought it would be smart to say I was her older sister. It took a long time to get everything settled it, since your grand mother didn't know a lot about all of this stuff, and I had no idea how to live in a time so far away from my original life. Roughly ten years later, your grandmother died, leaving me and your mother alone, since your grandfather died a few months before your mother's birthday. While your mother was grieving over the death of her mother, I had to figure out how to live a life with such a big lie, without causing any suspicion. I managed to make it work, but for that I had to either lie to your mother or tell her the truth. I decided to make it easierfor me and her, to tell her the truth. She thought it was so exciting, and always wanted me to show her how it worked, which I refused however. So basically, I raised your mother, fulfilling my mission, but never having a life of my own. She always wanted her daughter to be just like me, up until she met your father. The day she got pregnant, she suddenly turned scared and tried to keep her distance to me. She knew that if you were to be the next timetraveler, meant losing you within the first 20years of your life. However she didn't know that she would have no memory of you, once you left. We barely see you or your parents at the moment. The only reason they come over is because your mother hopes that I will feel whether or not you are a time traveler. I knew from the moment you were born, that you were special. But I couldn't tell your mother. If I did tell her, she would have taken you and brought you as far aspossible from me, so I couldn't tell you about who and what you are. However, she didn't know that you are the last time traveler in our family line. It has always been predicted in our family chronicles, that the year you were born, the last and most powerful time traveler will be born. You are the one who has the power of us all. You are what we worship. All travelers will eventually meet you, because it is an honor to know you. You are what completes us. I would love to tell you all the details, however I have no idea how exactly it works. What I however know, is that you had your necklace the day you were born. I was with your mother when she was giving birth to you. Your umbilical cord was wrapped around your neck, and the doctors were scared of you dying. I didn't know what happened in that moment, but suddenly it was like everybody was possessed by something. The doctors and your mother. As you came out of the womb, there was no umbilical cord. It was a golden necklace. It was nearly as if you haven't even been actually conceived. You were completely dry and clean. You had no umbilicalcord. Yes, you had a belly button but it wasn't connected to anything. You didn't even scream when you were born. You smiled at me, before the doctors took off with you into the other room. I was able to read your mind in that moment, and it didn't make sense in that moment, but suddenly it all dawned onto me. You are not just you. In you, you bear the souls of all the time travelers. You're strong willed, have a powerful mind and most importantly, you have the gift of all the travelers. I didn't find anything about who you exactly are, but you told me within the first few moments in your life. Our relatives told me everything I needed to know. As you were carried away, your necklace disappeared into your skin. I don't know how the circle closes, since you got your necklace from yourself, however it closes. You are the only traveler who doesn't receive their own necklace. You get it from somebody, even if that somebody is yourself. Which has never happened before. But maybe you will find out during your mission, and I hope you will tell me then" she explained thoroughly. I looked shocked at her. I didn't know she went through that much, I didn't know who she even was up until now, and now I did know everything, at least when it came to my aunt and our family. And to myself.
"I'm so sorry I put all of this onto you, but you needed to know, you have no idea how important you are for our heir, for our family. You are special, no matter what you think or somebody else may say. You are what makes this family complete and closes the circle. Don't everforget that" She smiled, hugging me tightly.
"Thank you so much" I replied, smiling weakly. As she pulled away she got up and walked out of the kitchen, leaving me there to sit and think.
However I decided that this was not what I should be doing right now. I got up, cleaned myself up and walked over to the house next door, where Jules was probably getting ready for bed by now.
I knocked on the door, awaiting for somebody to open it. After a few moments, her mother opened the door and greeted me surprised.
"Laura, I didn't expect you to come back so soon!" she said, pulling me into a hug. I hugged her back and smiled.
"Well, it was faster than Iexpected as well" I laughed, letting go after a while.
"Jules is in her room, go upstairs I suppose you still know the way?" she asked, letting me in.
I nodded and ran up the stairs, knocking on the door and barging in, without waiting for a response.
"JULES!"I yelled, engulfing her in a big hug.
"LAURA?!" she asked, hugging me back in disbelieve. We stood there for a good minute,before I heard an awkward cough.
We pulled apart and I looked at a boy standing next to us. He looked cute. Brown hair, tall, muscled and he had at least two tattoos and two piercings.
"Oh sorry,my name is Laura, who are you?" I asked, winking at Jules, whoinstantly hit my arm.
"This is Louis, he is an exchange student from Norway. He has spent the last month here and is staying one more week" She explained making me smile and nod at him.
"Would you mind if I went to spend some time with her?" Jules asked.
"Go ahead, I am going to meet with Rian" Louis said, an accent obvious in his voice.
Thanking him, Jules and I both walked out of the house and into a nearby cafe, sitting down and talking about everything that has been going on in the past few months.
"So basically, Jack and I have worked things out, and we are going stronger than ever, even though he was extremely jealous of Louis, since Jack was never allowed to stay over! But I think he just needs to chill if I'm honest" she explained, making me laugh.
"Oh man, this sounds so much like the guys! I can't wait to meet them again" I smiled, making her nod.
"And also, their band is going great! They apparently have a record deal for their first album coming up within the next two years! They are all so excited, I can'tbelieve how far our boys have gone" she smiled.
"Our boys?"I laughed.
"Oh come on, you and Alex are totally made for eachother, or have I missed something" she laughed, making me wink ather. "SHUT UP! Tell me right away!" She yelled, making me laugh.
"Well, while I was away, I met this super cute guy, his name is Mike. We hit it off really well and we were always flirting and just before I was leaving we... Well we kissed" I blushed,making Jules squeal. "And well, while I was saying goodbye he made me promise one last kiss, for sometime in the future" I laughed,making Jules gasp.
"Oh god I can't decide who is cuter now! You and Alex or you and sexy stranger Mike" she squealed, making me laugh hard.
"I missed you so much Jules" I said through tears of joy.
"And I missed you too" she replied, hugging me tightly.

Wow, after 2 years of not writing at all, I have written this within one and a half hours.... Well, I might be coming back to writing but I don't know tho lol, because I have a feeling that this is super bad and poorly written, so yeah
Please let me know what you think
I love you all so much have an awesome shmawesome day 
See y'all soon!!!!!
Yours, Jay ♥

Oh and just for the recorc, I updated it because I just read over the chapter again and I nearly vomited over how many words were written together isntead of apart and I just needed to change that so yah

I will meet you in the past ~ An Alex Gaskarth FanfictionWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu