Chapter 69: A Bad Day

Start from the beginning

Three hours later it's still raining as I pull into the venue. The concert ended hours ago and I don't see anyone in sight. I don't even know what hotel we are staying at.

Could this day get any worse?!

I pull to a stop in the venue parking lot. Freezing and completely drenched, I start full on crying.

"You okay?!"

I hear someone yell behind me and a man in a trench coat runs up to the car.

"Please tell me you know what hotel they are staying at." I cry.

"One Direction?"

"Yes! Please."

"Are you Ava?" He asks, looking the car over with a sad expression on his face. I must look as pitiful as I feel sitting in a convertible with the top down in the pouring rain. Either that or I look like a lunatic.

"Yes, I'm Ava."

"Mr. Styles said you might show up. Here let me have your gps and I'll type in the hotel for you."

"Thank you!" I smile at him as I hand him the gps.

He quickly puts it in and hands it back to me, "He was awful worried about you Miss."

"I'm sure. Thank you again!" I smile at him as he waves me off.

The rain tapers off just as I pull into the hotel parking lot. I run inside and walk up to the front desk.

"My name is Ava McCain. Is there a key to Harry Styles room waiting for me?" I ask politely as possible.

The girl behind the desk looks me over with a shocked expression on her face. My hair and clothes are dripping onto the carpet as she hands me the room key, "Fourth floor, room 406."

I nod and head towards the elevator. I check my watch on my wrist as I get off on the fourth floor. I'm about two hours later than I thought I would be.

Finding the room, I try to fix my hair and clothes the best I can. I'm completely soaked through, there's no salvaging my appearance.

I bit my lip as I slide the key through the slot and open the door. The second I step into the room, a boxer clad Harry jumps off the bed.

"Ava what the hell!?" He asks, taking in my drenched and frazzled state.

"I left my phone at the hotel and then I got a flat tire and it started raining and I was in a covertible and the stupid top wouldn't go up so I drove the last three hours here in the pouring rain." I blurt out, not taking a breath.

He walks over to me and wraps his arms around me.

"Harry you're going to get all wet!"

"Don't care." He says, hugging me tightly, "Shit you're freezing."

My teeth chatter as I nod my head at him. He pulls me into the bathroom and turns on the shower, turning the dial to the hottest setting.

"I was worried sick about you." He frowns as he pulls a towel out of the cabinet.

"I know I'm sorry. Today was just horrible!" I sigh as he turns back to me.

He pushes the wet hair off of my face and smiles at me, "Would it be weird to say you look really beautiful right now?"

"Yes, I look dreadful! I'm all pruney! Now get me warm please!" I beg him as he laughs at me.

He takes hold of the end of my shirt and pulls it over my head. My whole body is shaking as I unbutton my jean shorts and slide them down my legs. He reaches around behind me and pops open my bra, pulling it away from my body. I quickly cover my freezing boobs with my arms.

"Really Av?" Harry chuckles.

"Don't laugh! Cold boobs don't look the best." I defend my attempt at modesty, "Now I think I can take care of the rest."

He ignores me and leans down, pulling my underwear down my legs.

"Harrrrrrry!" I scold him as I'm now standing in front of him naked. I've never felt so disgusting in all my life.

"Avaaaaaa!" He mocks me as he pulls his boxers down his legs.

"This isn't a group activity." I inform him as he pushes me into the shower and under the hot water.

"It's not a group, just you and me love." He smirks as he steps in behind me.

I sigh and shake my head, deciding to focus on the hot water warming me up, and not the hot body behind me.

Harry's hands snake around my waist and he rests his head on my shoulder, "I missed you."

"And I you." I smile, loving the fact he missed me.

"God you scared the shit out of me not answering me all day."

"Well don't leave me behind next time." I joke.

"Never." He turns me around and smiles at me.

"I'll hold you to that Styles." I put my hand around his neck, pulling him down and pressing my lips against his. He kisses me back, sliding his tongue into my mouth. I savour the feeling as I pull him closer, pressing my naked body against his.

He quickly pulls away from me, "Don't tease me McCain. I'm already wanting to fuck you in this shower."

"Well, then why don't you?" I ask, raising an eyebrow at him.

He sucks in a deep breath, "Ava, you're going to bloody kill me. I do want to badly. Very badly. But I have bigger plans for that than a quickie in the shower."

"Okay. You better leave before you can't control yourself then." I shrug my shoulders and turn back around, grabbing the soap and putting some on a wash cloth.

His eyes rake down my body, "Fuck, think I take back what I said."

"Nope, I'm looking forward to these big plans of yours." I shake my head at him and start pushing him out of the shower.

"Aw, come on!" He whines as he steps out onto the tile.

"Go warm up my side of the bed." I order him as I close the shower door.

"Yeah alright. But you still owe me a proper shower!" He warns as he leaves the bathroom.

I turn the heat up higher on the dial, feeling my goosebumps finally fading.

I'm happy to be back with him, but I know our discussion last night about the contract is far from over.

My whole life has always been living someone else's, and never my own. I want Harry but I also want something that's just mine. Something I can be proud of.

But what does that mean for us?

I'm not ready to give him up, I don't know if I ever will be, but I'm also afraid I'm becoming far to dependent on him.

I don't know what to do, but my contract is up in less then two weeks, so I have to decide soon.


A/N: If you are enjoying the story, please vote! I spend hours and hours writing this and it only takes a second. It would mean so much to me and to getting my story out there! Thanks!! ;)

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