The Signed and The Signless

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   Before the time of the humans and their escapades in space, there was those who came before. The Ancestors to the trolls whom everyone now knows so well. Amongst these trolls was the Signless, who made his mark in history, permanent. However, without me, perhaps he never would have had the chance.

Log 9875, Condense Ship.
It is a cold, and the mood upon Condense's ship is one you could cut with a knife. The gorgeous, merciful, ruler who was she, the Condense. I believe that in the future the last sentence I transcribed will be called "sarcasm". Perhaps, I could live long enough under her rule to see the day "sarcasm" is popular. Or, I could be culled for just looking at her. It all depends on her mood.

"....and the world shall burn in a fire caused by Her royal longing for more."
Log 9875 End.
  Sighing, I shut my logbook, all the day's emotion written into its secure pages. It's been many sweeps since I first joined Her crew, and every sweep feels like its growing longer and longer.
Ive joined her on every mission, her right-hand silent killer. Nobody really knows about what I do, as thats the way She required it. As She says goes, so I stay in my room til I am required to be at Her side.
  Speaking of, the speaker in your room blared to life.
   "Asassian, you are required to serve the Condense in 10 minutes."
  At Her beck and call, I grabbed my strifespecibus, knife-kind and set down the hall to help Her.

The Royal Chambers


  These were the sounds I heard as I walked towards the royal chamber. Upon throwing the doors open, you spied the heads and blood of red, blue and teal bloods ran a morbid river. I shivered slightly, once I saw the trident being pointed directly at my heart. She looked slightly crazy, her hair all in her face and blood dripping off the spikes.
  "Asassian. My trusted consort, I will only repeat myshellf once. Sea, theres a troll. "Signless' they call him. Now, he's making some hardships for me. Do what you need, take whatever, but cull him. Cull him fucking dead." She said, deadpan and twirling my hair in her fingers.
"Of course, my Condense."

The wilderness, near a lowblood village.
I have been tracking and following the one they call Signless for weeks now. I know his movements, when he'll flee, how long he spends in any one area. I have learned his relationships, to his matespirit, the jade blood, and the Psionic who follows him.
  I know them. I have listend to his sermond. Perhaps I should now say I am tempted to believe him.
  I myself am a teal blood, I should have been with Redglare. Instead, I defected. The Condense saw my skill with a knife, how quiet I could kill and so, she took me in. The lowbloods and midbloods are treated like shit, while the highbloods toy with us til they grow bored and cull us. So, what he said made sense.
    It was growing late and many villagers cramped around a fire, listeng to the Signless' followers talk. He was nowhere to be seen, and now I too snuck away, trying to do as the Condense asked.
  The forest, mid-night
I spent half of the night searching for the elusive Signless, yet he was nowhere to be seen. Somehow he had escaped from my line of sight, so begrudeingly, I returned to my tent. 
  "I believe you have alterier motives than listening to my sermons"
   The voice in the dark of the room startled me, so much so that I was soon on the floor, a caped figure above me, red eyes searching my own.
His breath was warm against my face, and his shaggy hair hung over his eyebrows.
   "I, I have none. I'm simply searching for meaning in my life, and I believe your sermons could give me such an answer".
The line was false, yet well rehersed for a moment like this.
He smirked and laughed, not cruely, but without emotion.
"I know who the Condense has as hired arms, "Asassian". What is your actual name".
"Perhaps if you got off of me, then I might be more inclined to answer you, Signless."
  With a sigh, he sat oppsite you instead.
  "It's Huntsman."

Five months later
The village was on fire.
The smell of troll flesh burning mixed with smoke and burning wood.
  Screams of fear and joy, from the trolls defending and attacking. The Condense's people came for him, She was growing impatient. She had origionally given me 8 months to kill the Signless. Obviously, she wanted it done sooner rather than later.
He called for me, despair and broken trust in the tears falling down his eyes. All his friends were taken away or culled in front of him, and I just stood beside Her. The silent asassian. The perfect killer.
Yet now, I had let emotions take over. I couldt allow a friend to die in front of me. Not without a fight.
You ran to him, knives sticking and culling the gaurds who held him down, and ropes that bound his hands and feet were cut.
  "Run, and keep going. RUN SUMMONER!"
The world went dark then. I vaugely remember falling, hitting into soft flesh alreadying growing cold. Then sound left, as foots steps seemed to both return and come forward. Touch went next, the softness was replaced with nothing. Thats all I feel now, nothing. Some memories of me remain, some emotions to those I had strong connection to.  
  All I can hope is that he survived, at least til he could get his message out and be listened to.

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