Day 52

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Since it had been a while, this evening I went hunting with Gobukichi in a previously unexplored area, where we found a group of twelve armed men.

Their vigilance in watching their surroundings and speedy—although slow compared to us— advance towards the area where I think the village of the Elves is made me conclude that they were something like the human army's reconnaissance corps.

Motivated by curiosity, we decided to follow them.

An ogre taller than two and a half meters should be easy to spot, in fact I usually can't help but stand out, but in this situation it wasn't a problem.

Since the fourth day after we were born, we were told to get our own food by hunting.

From that day on we followed my plan which was, rather than charging straight at our prey, we stay hidden, read its breath, then strike from its blind spot accurately as if we were assassins.

Because of this, Gobukichi and I have polished our skill at hiding ourselves until it wasn't even comparable to the usual level of skill others have.

The gigantic figure of an Ogre merged with the surroundings, it's an ability that makes the target unable to perceive you for over ten minutes.

In addition to this, I possessed the ability [Hiding] which boosted my ability to hide even more. I could easily support Gobukichi as well, so there shouldn't be any problems.

After tailing them for a short while it seems that we'd reached their target point, where the humans assumed a formation shaped like the letter "U".

As they finished moving into formation each human took one of their two crossbows in hand, erased their presence, and hid themselves.

If you didn't know about their presence in advance, they'd be pretty difficult to spot even if you got very close to them.

Their hiding skill is very advanced.

Well, it's still at an inferior level compared to us who live in the wild.

Now that they were in position, they had a high chance of silencing their targets without being discovered using a surprise attack with their crossbows.

Since they had two crossbows each, they could fire them both in succession then enter close quarters combat.

That's what I would've done anyways.

I wanted to know what they were doing here, so I secretly extended a superfine thread, that was almost invisible even if you were to look at it closely, and listened in on their hushed conversations.

I learned their mission here was to kidnap the beloved daughter of the "Elven Round Table Conference's Chairman".

Apparently the Elves had adopted an institution where the representatives of several clans get together to make decisions.

They were preparing to kill the daughter's guards, or so I deduced from the conversation.

From the conversation I also established that the Elves had a traitor among them.

Though I don't intend to do anything special with this information, I had no doubt that this was a very useful piece of intelligence.

The existence of those who betray their own comrades to save their own skin isn't all that unusual.

Many had been left battered after getting influenced by personal interests, and I didn't have anything to do with it in the first place, so I couldn't care less.

I'll squeeze as much profit from this as I can if I get the chance.

After about two hours of watching how things would work out, an armed group of pretty female and male elves came along. Gobukichi got tired of waiting long ago, so I let him go hunt close by. If anything were to occur I'd notify him with my thread.

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