Chapter 34"look like the innocent flower but be the serpent under't"

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Chapter 34

"look like the innocent flower but be the serpent under't"

"Now, we want to talk about whether Macbeth is a victim of his own ambition or that there are other external forces and characters that contributed. Lets look at Lady Macbeth anyone want to voice a quote that argues that she aided his demise?" Mr Kentworth stood at the front of the class and conducted the lesson but Shakespeare was the last thing I wanted to be studying, the dude was obsessed with tragedies, why?

"look like the innocent flower but be the serpent under't."

"Alexis, what to explain the quote?" I was previously tapping my pen against my book but that struck me out of daydream, not only because Mr. Kentworth called on me but I was the serpent that was posing as the flower. I eruptively stood up. "Alexis?" I just run out. I was a venomous snake.

"Lexi! Whats wrong?"

"Noah stop I'm poisonous to you."

"lexi, lexi stop." he grabbed my arm. I feel straight to the ground. my skirt moved up my legs. his eyes shot straight to my thighs, he gasped.

"here." He offered me his hand. He enveloped me in a hug. ""Hey, hey, hey. just look at me. Breathe. Shh. I've got you." I nudged out of his hold and sat down on the stairs.

"I need to get out of here, I'm gonna throw up." I leaned into the bathroom next to the stairs. I heard the door open.

"hey," He pulled out his phone and showed it to me.

"ive texted Julianna, she's coming to pick you up."

"I don't feel so hot." I sat on the guest bedrooms bed.

"yeah but you look hot." Noah sat down next to me.

""Um... I think I need a bin... again. Something's messing with my stomach. Ugh, I think I should probably get to a bathroom."

"hey are you alright?" julianna leaned on the doorway.

"I'm freezing and sweating at the same time..."

"You should sleep... alone. Noah get out."

"okay, sleep well." He kissed my cheek.

"When did this happen?" we turned to see Jonah.

"Nothing's happening..." I pushed noah off me.

"Whoa, hold on. Something's kind of happening." Noah defended.

"noah shut up. I'm not feeling well. Can both of you leave?" they both left and I went to the bathroom but first I pulled my pencil case out of my bag. I pulled out a drawing compass and held my breath as it touched my skin.

"I heard you weren't feeling too well so here." I looked up to see Elise walking into my room with a bag of Krispy Kreme doughnuts.

"aww thank you!" I stretched out to hug her.

"I hope you're feeling better because I'd like a girl sleepover again. What it's been months since the last one. Oh I remember when you were going out with Jonah. Jesus that was ages ago. So will you come?"

"I need to go home and see reece and if I feel any better I'll go."

"we can have it at your house if that's better."

"yeah I'd like that."

We had set up 'camp' or more so 'glamp' in my living room and reece said he'd stay out of our way and would plan a date with Jeremy just to stay out of the house.


"AND A NETFLIX ACCOUNT!" I slapped my head.

"you brought the noise and now my personal headache. What happened to girls night?"

"I didn't invite them. No boyfriends allowed. Its strict girl code."

"Ethan what the hell are you doing here?"

"I know you said girls sleepover but I wanted to see first hand what girls do at a sleepover. Pillow fights and all that jazz." He winked. Argh.

"and why did you bring Noah?" she said.

"oh, you need an audience if theres a pillow fight hehe." We both just rolled our eyes.

"You're making me hot, I can't sleep..."
"I can say the same for me. you're not the that's getting hot." I threw a pillow at him. He just threw it back to me.

"shhh." I pointed to ethan and elise spooning and sleeping peacefully. He went to touch my cheek.

"Your hands are freezing, don't touch me."

"Uh-uh, I don't feel so good." I clasped my hand over my mouth and rushed to the bathroom.

"hey," he touched my back.

"noah I'm not mad or anything but I don't feel like having company."

"Well, just take care of yourself then, if you don't want me touching you. Ill be in the lounge room if you need me."

"Hey, don't do that, you'll hurt yourself" Noah took the razor from me in a nurturing way.

"dude, I can shave my legs myself, ive been doing it for a while."

"it's just, you weren't feeling well, I don't want you to feel light-headed and accidently cut yourself." I clutched my head. "see. You're in pain."

"It hurts so bad... please make it stop."

"hey, hey, hey. Lay down." 

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