C8 - don't light a match, if you cant, handle getting burned

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I had packed my bags. usually, it was every three years we left but Reece came home last night, right when I was in the middle of telling Elise about the Props room situation and told me he got a promotion, he said. a really good one apparently, one he shouldn't pass up on. so it was kind of obvious that accepted. He could see I wasn't ecstatic about this sudden move as I was in my element where we were in Perth; a steady group of friends and a crush was brewing on a guy I was close to but, I was used to it, of course, my happiness wouldn't last, it never does anyway. Reece tried to get me to remember that if we move, our mum and dad wouldn't be able to track us especially if we moved out of the pattern (every three years).

Noah had tried to talk to me or interact in every way possible, in the days leading up to the big move but I had given up. whats the point in continuing to pursue something with him when I was leaving. as well I became more distant from my friends too. I just wasn't interested. I had given up, wasting my energy on something that wasn't going to change. I was coming out of the principles office after telling him the news, Noah waited patiently outside. I, still not in the mood to talk to anyone remotely so I completely walked past him like as though he ceased to exist. I kept conversation with Reece to make it harder for him to intercept.

Reece ended up leaving me to go to the car which had all of our belongings because he got the hint from Noah that he wanted to talk to me, Reece ignored my pleas for him not to leave me. as simple as I could, I explained my predicament but he just wouldn't give up.

"I'll move too. my father wants a change of scenery. he's uninspired where we are and I want to bury the hatchet and start over."

"Noah that's ridiculous. completely unrealistic. get your head out of the clouds and id rather this be less painful than you're making it. I'm having to leave the greatest friends I've ever had also you didn't seem to mind the first time I left. so why now?"

I sat in the car with music quietly playing in the background and Reece humming along next to me. i saw Noah's figure standing in my rearview mirror. here I go again. I turned away and increased the volume of the radio, desperate to drown out my thoughts.

later on that night, Reece and I were in the hotel we had to make a stopover as Reece was desperate from sleep and I didn't have my licence yet. thinking, I laid in the crappy bed. why did I allow him to relight an old spark? why did I let it spark? a knock at the door struck me out of my daydream.

"Are you decent?" I rolled my eyes in response.

"Yes, Reece is decent."

"Okay well that was the company on the phone and apparently we're only needed over there for four days."

"What?! it's not permanent?"

"Nope. there's still a promotion but I don't need to leave. I explained the predicament we're in and they said they're happy for us to continue in Perth." let's just say I looked like the Cheshire cat after that.

the four days were over kind of slowly as though life knew I was desperate to get back to Perth and indulge in gossip-filled chats with Elise even though we should be doing Chemistry homework. And that's exactly how my first day back went. coincidently our teacher handed a Prac that was due in the following days and Elise and I decided we should probably get it done ASAP as it was an excuse for her to catch me up on school work and gossip. of course, this is what I got from being best friends with the girl who was friends with everyone. I was finishing discussion questions on covalent bonds when Elise mentioned.

"You know Jonah pretty cute huh?" I looked up at her and glared.

"what did you do?" she put her hand against her chest.

"I'm offended to know you think I did something."

"okay so if you didn't do anything as you say, even though I don't believe you then I will say yes Jonah is cute." I know Elise did something but what's the worst she can do?

"I knew it!" she squealed.

"You knew what, elise."

"I'm going to set you two up. I happen to know he's single and so are you. Perfect."

"No. no. no no no no. Elise I don't want to be set up."


"I just don't okay. leave it at that."

"Seriously tell me why. is it about noah?"

"yes okay fine it's about noah. I like Noah."


"what do you mean no."

"I am not letting you dig yourself into a hole again. don't light and old flame just because you need a little warmth."

"I'm not. I like Noah now. remember I didn't like him to begin with. and anyway he's sweet and treats me well."

"that's bullshit. you liked Noah before he came and you like him now just because he's like home to you. you're safe per say. I mean he's a dick but he's familiar. you know he makes you laugh and smile but he's found someone else. he even opened talked to you about her. remember. let him go A. you don't need that negative energy in your life. you've already had to deal with enough pain." that sentence tugged a few heartstrings and remembered a touchy conversation I had with Elise two weeks ago. I had plucked up the courage and told her about my family history. She's the first person to know if you don't count Noah, yes he knows too but I think he's forgotten. as she mentioned the other girl I remembered earlier on when he mentioned this girl Sophie and I'm not going to lie and say my heart didn't sink a little. I mean I liked him, of course, him liking someone else hurt a little.

"There's other fish in the sea," Elise continued as she put her hand on mine in a supportive way. "you have one right here. and if this one goes up in flames remember you have me too." as soon as she mentioned the other girl I remembered earlier on when he mentioned this girl Sophie and I'm not going to lie and say my heart didn't sink a little. I mean I liked him, of course, him liking someone else hurt a little. "You even told me how you hate being alone sometimes. you at this," she passed me her phone were a text was open. it read:

 it read:

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"Fine. ill go with your stupid set up. whats the worst that could happen?" Just because I'm not for him doesn't mean I don't want him to be happy. I'm not going to stand in the way of his happiness.

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