Chapter 18

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Chapter 18: Truth or Dare?

Jil stops in her tracks and turns slightly pink. "Truth?" she squeaks.

"Hmmm... how about... Have you ever been kissed?" I say grinning wildly. I don't want to embarrass her so I picked an easy one.

"no..." she whispers.

I nod dismissively, "ok go on, your turn."

"Bryan, truth or dare?"

He yawns, "Dare."

"I dare you to run upstairs and grab us all some pop."

We all groan but don't say anything else as Bryan does as he's told. He throws one to each of us and pops the seal on his own can.

"Cort, truth or dare?"

"Truth!" I sing.

Adam groans, "what is with you girls and always picking truth?"

We ignore him and Bryan continues.

"Cortney, have YOU ever been kissed?"

I shrug "Yeah, plenty of times."

The mood gradually lightens the more we play, in one hour we learn that only two of us aren't virgins, three family's are divorced and Bryan and Brandon are the only ones with siblings, Bryan and Brandon kissed, Jil chugged a monster, Adam took off his shirt and I was forced to tell the color of my bra. We just finished giggling over Bryan having milk come out his nose when Adam started on Jil,

"Truth or dare Jil?"


"Have you ever had a makeover?"

She turns red and shakes her head. I slam down my fist and turn to Bryan.

"Bryan. Truth or dare?"


"I dare you to dare me to give Jil a makeover."

I have Jil in front of the mirror in her room. She sits in a chair in front of me as I take out her two pigtail braids. Her mousy brown hair falls to her shoulders as I begin to brush through it,

"So you've never had a makeover before huh?"

"No... I've always been the only girl..." she says sadly.

I smile although she can't see me, "Yeah I know how that is, I was like that too. Last year I made a nice girl friend and she taught me all sorts of stuff, she helped me find my style!" I laugh and begin to part her hair, more on her right than her left.

"But... How did you get the courage to dress the way you do now?" she asks gesturing to my black skinny jeans and dark green top.

"Well... it wasn't easy. It took a lot of confidence building. I used to dress in baggy jeans and sweaters! We girl nerds all need to find a good friend to help us along!"

She grabs the hand that remains on her shoulder. "I'm so glad I met you Cortney..."

I squeeze her hand and move on to her makeup. A bit of mascara... a little tiny bit of pink eyeshadow... and voila! Perfection. I take a moment to stand back and admire my work.

"hmmm..." I think out loud.

"What? Is something wrong?" she says, panic swimming across her features.

I smile, "Nope. Now it's time to pick out your outfit." I lend her some blue skinny jeans and put her in a light pink v-neck that clings to the curves you never would have guessed she had. I put her in front of the mirror and she gasps.

"See? You're beautiful!" I say smiling happily.

"Oh Cortney... I look gorgeous... makeup really does help.."

I laugh, "I didn't put enough makeup on for you to notice."

"Really?!" she says her eyes wide.

"Really. This is what you look like when you wear clothes that... you know. Fit." I giggle.

"Can... can we go show the guys?" she says turning what I now call Jilly Pink.

"Of course, I'll go ahead."

I walk into the living area and clear my throat, "Gentleman. May I introduce, the not necessarily new nor improved Jillian!"

She walks around the corner and the guys fall silent.

"Wow..." Adam whispers

"Yeah... holy shit Jil you look beautiful..." Steve continues.

"Good job Cortney!!!" Bryan grins and Brandon wolf whistles.

Jil blushes and takes a wisp of hair between her two fingers and twirls it into a knot. I slap her hand away, "No. You're going to ruin my masterpiece!"

She giggles, "well I'm going to ruin it anyway! Pajama time boys!"

My brow wrinkles, "Wait... are you the only guys on earth that don't sleep in your boxers?!?!"

Jil covers her mouth with her hands and all but Bryan shuffle uncomfortably. "Nah, we do at home but we bought sleep pants and shit for Jilly." Bryan winks at us.

"Ok! That was awkward! Come on Cort let's go!"

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