Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: The Role of an Older Sibling

Morning finds me sprawled out across my bed, snoring loudly the war between mind and heart lasted most of the night and into the early morning. Having finally past out around four in the morning I was not very easy to wake up. Mom had given up hours ago and left me in my room to sleep the day away... My sister had other plans.

I felt a small chubby hand on my cheek around eight, not wanting to be woken up I simply rolled over onto my other side. A small body climbs over me and sits on the side of my stomach.

"Wake up Tortney!!!" a shrill little voice screams. I growl and pull the covers over my ears. Danielle jumps up and down all over the bed before throwing herself onto my stomach. "Oof!" I exclaim and she giggles madly.

"You're gonna pay for that." I growl through gritted teeth, although the smile on my face stops the three year old from taking me seriously. She squeals and runs out of my room, not to be outdone I scramble out of bed stumble as I try too hard to chase her and collapse onto the bedroom floor with another loud "OOF!"

Danielle pokes her head around the door and laughs at the sight of me sprawled out on the floor facedown trying to catch my breath. She hurls herself onto my back and my eyes water from the pain.

"Dani..." I whimper, "You're crushing my lungs... can't breath..."

She only giggles louder and bounces her little bottom up and down, I cough and attempt to shake the toddler off when a merciful call from mom send Danielle running down the hall.

I sigh and bury my face in the carpet, I'm out of shape. I hear someone clear their throat and look up toward the doorway. A tall, brown haired teenager with the most beautifully blue eyes I've ever seen is leaning against the door frame.... he's gorgeous.

"Ermmm... I'm Brandon, the one who offered to show you around town?"

The look on my face must have looked like confusion because he goes on,

"I'll be in your grade this year... 2016 right?"

I nod quickly and stand brushing myself off and offer him my hand, "I'm Cortney, thank you for coming.... could you give me a minute I'll be right out..."

His eyes scan down my body and I suddenly remember what little clothes I must be wearing... I yelp and try to cover myself with a blanket, he grins and shuts the door. I might actually like this place after all...

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