Chapter 15

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Chapter 15: The Lunch Table

The tour of the school goes well, mostly just dumb jokes on Mike's part and polite giggling from me. I'm good at faking confident, lot's of practice from my multiple personalities I would assume. My classes are filled with the classic "Let's go around the room and tell what we did this summer!" crap from the teachers so I just smile and tell them I moved here. What else am I supposed to say? "yeah my father got a new girlfriend and pushed me out of his life along with harsh words and a whole bunch of horribly grotesque things that happened to me so I moved here to get away from it all!" Even I know how absolutely insane that sounds.

My classes follow this pattern and by lunch I'm relieved not to have to speak to anyone. I'm one of the first ones here so I take a seat at an empty table in the farthest, darkest corner of the room. Since Mike so helpfully told me we have to wait for our table to be dismissed, a process I'm quite familiar with, I begin to doodle in one of my notebooks. As the dragon takes shape I become so absorbed I don't notice the shadey figures sit down next to me.

My party friends have made an unwelcome reappearance.

"Hey, aren't you that hot chick Brandon danced with at the party?"

sleezeball number one asks running his eyes up and down my body.

"What's it to you?" I spit back, venom coats my voice and conversations stop around us. Great I'm already attracting attention.

"Oh! feisty too! I like her" sleezeball number two purrs leaning in way too close.

"Get away from me! That party was a mistake! Stay away from me!" I shout standing from my spot in the chair and backing away slowly.

"Oh come on babe... don't be like that!" One says through yellowed teeth. Gross.

"Why don't you go brush your teeth." I snap back before I can stop myself, upon seeing the looks on their faces I grab my things, turn on my heel and stalk off.

I am just about to go cry myself out in the lady's room when a gentle voice calls out my name. Since a total of two people know my name I don't really need to look back to know it's Brandon. I spin around expecting the worst but find myself face to face with a shy embarrassed boy. I feel my fierce demeaner vanish as I remember another boy who used to make that face.

"I'm sorry if those guys gave you any trouble... and for my behavior at that party! I swear I'm not usually like that!" he says the words quickly practically tripping over them.

I smile slightly and laugh "Me too! I mean... that I'm not usually like that... I'm actually quite... ummm..."

"Nerdy?" he grins finishing for me.

"However did you know?" I say returning his toothy grin.

"The Zelda shirt makes things a bit obvious."

I blush and put my hand on the back of my neck, another nervous habit.

"So would you like to sit with some fellow nerds?" he says with a kind smile.

"YES!" I laugh a bit too loudly and follow him to a table filled with acne, glasses, and braces. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

As I sit down at the table I take a moment to admire the fact that I'm actually not the only girl! A short, slightly flat chested girl with glasses, brace, and pig tails is sulking between two boys on laptops (I suspect minecraft) her nose is buried in a book I don't recognize and doesn't look up to acknowledge people just sat down across from her.

After I finish being a judgemental bitch I turn to Brandon and some sheepishly.

"I have no social skills..." I whisper quietly.

"Welcome to the club." Says a voice on the opposite side of Brandon. I practically jump out of my chair, as the boy pokes his head around Brandon's shoulder awkwardly offering his hand, I take it and smile.

"Hello madam, Bryan Johnson at your service, the more handsome twin brother of Brandon." he says with a charming grin, Brandon grinds his teeth. Well now I know why they look similar, twins.

"I'm Cortney... Bookworm, video game finatic, choir student and future member of the drama club." I say shaking his hand firmly.

"Oh! choir eh? Jillian is in choir aren't you Jill?" Bryan says, shooting a mischievous look at Jillian, I give her a sympathetic smile and offer my hand.

"Yes. Well welcome to hell Cortney" she snaps her book shut "see you in choir." she stands and leaves her pigtails bobbing and her long plaid skirt swaying. I flinch from the open hostility and one of the laptop boys give me a look full of pity, "Don't mind her... she's usually not like that. If BRYAN hadn't been teasing her again she would've been quite welcoming..." he pauses thoughtfully and clears his throat, "I'm Adam."

"Nice to meet you Adam..." before I can say much more the bell rings and we all say our goodbyes before rushing off to our classes as nerds typically do.

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