Pronunciations of Name

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Alexander (Alex-Zander)

Queen (Queen)

Loaf (Low-Off)

Marcellus (Mar-Cell-Us)

Kiki (Key-Key)

Gwynne (Gah-When)

Parmlium (Parm-Lee-um)

Polimus (Polly-Muss)

Hephaestion (He-Phi-Shon)

Philatos (Phil-Low-Tos)

Oerticus (O-Rit-Tah-cus)

Kumi (Q-Me)

Bagoas (Ba-Gow-Us)

Parmenion (Par-men-e-on)

Pombo (Pom-bow)

Clietus (Cah-Lie-Tuss)

Romus (Rom-us)

Nicknor (Nick-nore)

Belen (Bah-Len)

Erigus (E-Ree-Gus)

Vokkin (Voe-Ken)

Darro (Dar-Row)

Roxanna (Rox-Zan-na)

Pub (Pah-Beh)

Doress (Door-ress)

Usef (You-Sef)

A/N: Hey beautiful people. Here are some names in the story. Some names are common, but others are not and a little difficult, so I put up how to pronounce them.  If I forgot any, I'll update it, so let me apologize beforehand, because I know you guys will get notifications on it when I publish the changes.  Thank you!

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