[64] Message In A Bottle

Start from the beginning

You nodded, tapping your mouth with the napkin, "I'm done."

"It's my turn to pay." Harry reminded you, taking out his wallet.

This was a deal you and Harry had made in the first months of your relationship; you take turns in paying. If he pays, you give the tips, if you pay, he gives the tip. You both were more than able to pay for a full course meal in the most lavish restaurant and so, this only seemed fair to the both of you.

Putting the money with the tip on the table and thanking the waiter, Harry's hand held your own as you both walked out of the tiny restaurant/café.

You were clad in a navy blue floral dress, the flowers white and bright. Underneath your dress, you wore your white bikini, that Harry seemed to admire despite finding joy in untying the top's straps. The sand in your sandals was annoying, making you lean on Harry as you took them off, holding them with your other hand.
Harry was in a basic white t-shirt and his light blue tropical half-sleeved shirt over it, blue swimming trunks that you remember picking with him a few months ago and wearing slippers.

Harry was about to shit bricks.

There you were, hand in his, giggling as you talked about how much you miss your pets and reminding Harry of that one time Diego hid one of Harry's many pairs of Gucci boots that you later found behind Diego's sleeping mat. To look a little less nervous, Harry plastered a small smile on his face, nodding along as his eyes were set on the item two steps away, stuck in the sand; a bottle.

You gasped, eyes widening as you looked in front of you, stopping and tugging on Harry's hand, "Is that a message in a bottle?"

Harry's stomach flipped, clearing his throat before pretending to be shocked, raising his eyebrows and widening his eyes, "I think it is, let's see what it says, huh?"
He let you grab the bottle, taking a step behind you as your back faced him, trying to open the bottle.

When the lid popped and was twisted, you let out a gasp before turning yo look at Harry, "It opened! What the fuck?"

Harry laughed, motioning with his hand, "Go on, let's read what's in there."

"I hope nobody's in trouble." You mumbled, sticking your tongue out to the side as you tried to get the rolled paper out, letting out a sigh of relief when it was out.

"Read it aloud." Harry said.

You cleared your throat, opening it, "Dear Y/N Mountbatten-Windsor," Your loud voice faded into a lower one as you read, confusion laced with your tone as your shoulders slumped, bringing the paper close to your face,

"I remember how nervous I was when I was told you were attending my show years ago. Performing and spotting your in the audience was a feeling I would never forget, I hoped I would get to be closer to you.
I will never forget all the first times I was lucky to share with you; first time you trying Chinese takeout, first time you got a tattoo, first time to go to Holmes Chapel.

I remember our first kiss. Our first I Love You. I remember what we had to go through to be together and what you had to go through to be with me, thank you.
You've become a part of me. You, my love, are my person.

And I want nothing but for you to remain my person, by my side forever. Will you marry me?"

Tears were already falling, your hand reaching to cover your mouth as you turned away, your eyes instantly falling on Harry who was on one knee, hands up as they held a blue velvet box with rings inside and that's when a quiet sob escaped your lips, "Oh my God," You managed to mumble.

"Hear it from me now," He chuckled, squinting as the sunlight decorated the moment, ocean waves doing a better job than any instrument ever could, "You make me the happiest man in the world, Y/N. You make me so goddamn happy and I would want nothing but to call you my wife. So, Y/N Mountbatten-Windsor, will you please," Harry grinned, letting out a breath, "Will you please marry me?"

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