"But there's definitely Hydra agents and at least one of the weapons." you pointed to the screen showing what you were talking about. "From what we can work out, the intended target was, in fact, me and Tony or, at least that's what it looks like."

"And how would they know where you were?" Bruce asked.

"Easy-" you shrugged. "They knew we'd need to shut the mainframe of the base down to stop any further damage being done whilst everyone else searched for Mr. Smith. All they had to do was wait for us to be in the right area before launching the missile," you explained.

"How did the missile manage to get through almost an entire building without blowing up before it reached you?" Fury asked you.

"Fury's right," Steve spoke as he entered the lab surprising you a little.

You gave him and Bucky a smile before turning back to Tony. He nodded as he turned around and pressed something on his computer. "It's a type of 'new' technology. It builds up enough heat to practically melt anything away before impact causing it to be easily penetrated, perfect for missiles passing through walls." he explained as he rotated his hand in the air.

Bucky let out a sigh as he folded his arms across his chest. "And how do you know?" his voice was bitter. You glared at him before giving him a quick kick to the shin. "Ow! What? I genuinely want to know."

"Well, there's a better way of asking." you scolded him. "Tony knows, because... It's what my dad was working on before he died."

Silence settled throughout the room. You kept your gaze fixed on your hands that were laid on Tony's desk. As much as you knew you had to be professional right now, you'd just learned a little more about your father's death and it was a lot to take in.

"Sweetheart?" Steve stood by your side, his hand laying on top of yours.

You looked up with a sad smile on your lips, nodding. "I'm fine, Cap." you nodded again before turning back to Tony. "We've looked through everything that we could find about the project he was working on and compared it to what we know."

"A few things have been tweaked but, it's the same stuff." Tony sighed.

"Which means, what?" Bruce asked as he moved closer to have a look, slipping his glasses back on.

"There's another mole working for Hydra?" Fury asked, glancing towards Bucky. He frowned at Nick, sensing what Nick was thinking.

You did too and you didn't like it. You quickly stepped in front of Bucky, puffing your chest out as you glared up at Nick, hoping to look somewhat intimidating. "Don't even think about it!" you snapped. "The only people who knew about this project were the ones working on it and Tony."

"So, it's one of them?" Steve asked.

Tony sighed shaking his head. "Nope... They're, all dead."

"Either, someone back then gave the information to Hydra before we became the Avengers which, I doubt it... or, someone, I don't know-how, is still alive and is working with them." you held your hands out. You had no clue.

"Why?" Steve asked.

You shrugged looking over to Tony. "Easy, they don't like Tony."

Talking with Tony today about everything had brought back some memories of you and your father. There was one from just before he died that was stuck in your head but you hadn't a clue why. There was nothing about it that was important, it wasn't a special moment.

"Stop teaching my daughter those obscene jokes, Stark. They're disgusting." your father scowled at his best friend after hearing what he'd just said to you to make you laugh.

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