"Arf! Arf!" Pup barked.

"What?!" Tina asked.

"Arf! Arf! Arf!" Pup continued.

"Is everyone OK?"

"Arf! Arf! Arf! Woof!" Pup explained.

"Well that's at least somewhat OK. Guys we have to go back." Tina told everyone.

"Why? I thought we were playing!" Goldy complained.

"What's wrong?" Ryan asked.

"It's Lizzie. She made a miscalculation and the Daycare is at stake." Tina said.

"What kind of miscalculation?" Unicorn asked. "I though she couldn't miscalculate."

"We apparently wrong a research book on the Portal and now some adults have read it and want to publish it." Tina explained.

"Uh oh." Unicorn said. "Yeah we should go back."

"In 3... 2... 1..." Ryan started.

"Go!" Everyone shouted.

~~~At the Daycare (Brought to you by Pup!)~~~

"Waaaaaah!" The kids shouted as their organs moved back to their normal positions.

"Guys I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen." Lizzie apologized.

"Don't worry, we will figure something out." Goldy comforted. "I always mess up and we always find a way to fix it."

"Yes but never have we involved adults before." Unicorn pointed out.

"Guys!" Cookie shouted. "This way." The kids joined everyone in the Daycare room.

Everyone sat down and begin to brainstorm solutions. They spent hours working.

Unicorn Mann went to the bathroom for a break, when suddenly some adults walked into the Daycare. Luckily the kids had thought to block off the portal area with a fake wall just in case investigators came.

"Hello? We are looking for Lizzie?" One of the adults asked.

"I'm here." Lizzie said nervously.

"Lizzie, you are a very creative child. We wanted to talk to you about your book." The woman said. The two men behind her nodded.

"Oh. Ok. Can my friends listen in?" She asked.

"Of course." The woman nodded. "Do you have any adult chairs here?"

"Oh they are downstairs. I'll grab them." Lizzie said.

"I'll help!" Kat said.

"Me too." Cookie agreed. The three girls ran downstairs and returned with three adult chairs.

"Where is your care keeper?" One of the men asked.

"Uhhh our director?" Ryan asked.

"Yes. I suppose you could say that." The man responded.

"Oh well... He is currently-cleaning! The bathrooms! He isn't here right now. Will you excuse me?" He asked, and ran outside, around the Daycare, and to the bathrooms.

Meanwhile the girls brought up chairs for the adults to sit in. The kids sat on the couch.

"We want to talk to you about publishing. We really enjoyed your book." The woman began.

"About that-" Lizzie interrupted.


"Unicorn I need to turn you into an adult." Ryan said as he entered the bathroom.

"What?! Why?" Unicorn asked.

"The publishers are here and if they think there isn't a director, they will probably tell on us to the authorities. Besides, you are the most like an adult compared to all of us, and you are the only person they haven't seen yet." Ryan explained.

"Fine, let's go." Unicorn sighed.


"-I don't think I should publish my book." Lizzie said.

"What? Don't you want your book published. That's why you sent it, right?" The woman asked.

"Well you see... I realized if it is as good as you say, people will want to meet me, and I'm not the best around bunches of people."

"Don't worry. We have people to protect you from those situations. You ARE only a child after all." The woman comforted.


"3... 2... 1..." Ryan pulled the lever and a whooshing noise filled the room. When Unicorn stepped out of the machine, he was a lot taller, and he looked a bit more adult-like.

"Let's go." Unicorn said, leading Ryan back around to the front of the Daycare. "And you owe me."

"What do you want?" Ryan asked.


"With whom?" Ryan asked.

"You know what I want..."

"Deal." Ryan said with a smirk.


"But-but..." Lizzie said.

"Look, Lizzie. We believe this story could be the best selling fiction book of the year." The woman said.

"Fi-fiction?" Lizzie asked, now confused. The woman smiled and handed Lizzie some graphs. "This story is like nothing we have read. It is clearly a science fiction/fantasy fiction crossover but it is written in the way as if it was real and you were analyzing it." She said.

"Hey kids!" Unicorn Mann called, entering the room with Ryan. "Oh? Who do we have here?"

"Hello Mr-"

"Mann. The name is Unicorn Mann." Unicorn said, holding out his hand for a hand shake.

"Did your parents hate you?" One of the guys asked under his breath.

"Not sure, I never met them. Anyways how can I help you." The man flushed with red but the woman just laughed.

"We were just talking to Lizzie here about her book. We think it is really gonna be a best seller."

"Oh? How so?" Unicorn asked, playing his role of care keeper quite well.

"Well, we've never seen a fictional book quite like this one. It's really got us excited."

"Ahh yes, our Lizzie has a great imagination but she's also very smart. I personally enjoyed her book." Unicorn sighed.

"Well, Miss Lizzie. What do you say? Want to join the fictional authors on the bestsellers list?" The woman asked.

"Uhhh sure!" Lizzie said happily.

"Good. We will contact you and your parents later this week and discuss the details. We shall see you soon." The woman waved goodbye and the three people left.

"Bye!" Everyone waved.

"That was close. Thanks Unicorn." Lizzie said, giving him a hug. "Can we have a party now to celebrate?" Lizzie asked.

"Of course!" Tina shouted. "Let's par-tay!" And the kids celebrated until it was time to go home once more.

And that was another day at Daycare!

1433 words today. Hey guys! So I'm working on a really long chapter right now so these next few chapters aren't as detailed because I'm focusing on this massive story. I'm still only posting up chapters I believe you will actually enjoy though, so don't worry about that. I'm really excited about this long chapter I'm planning on posting. So yeah guys! I hope you enjoyed today's one shot. If you wanted to like it that would be cool, but only like if you liked it, of course! Ok so have a great day guys! Byeeee!

Please Stay With Me (Minecraft Daycare Oneshots)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora