Mor - I Found my Mate

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IMPORTANT NOTE (must read): this chapter is NOT and Moriel chapter because in ACOWAR, Sarah had motioned that Mor had preferred women, and it will go that way in this oneshot. This is by far my favorite one shot to write so I really hope you guys enjoyed it :)

Mor – I Found My Mate

                  The stars that perch atop of the sky had gazed back at Morrighan, at the beautiful women underneath the black abyss dotted with diamonds. The sound of laughter and joy had echoed the room as the string quartet continued to produce melodic sounds. On the dance floor, the diamonds and rubies and other jewels that were adorned on dresses glimmer as the dancers moved. The sound of wine glass clinking and hushed whispers had surrounded Mor on this beautiful night.


                  This was the night court's third Starfall after Amarantha. This was their second night where High Lord of Night's court were together, with additions might they say. This was the Night court's second night that the High Lord and Lady was present amongst the people when the shimmering spririts that perched high above migrate to cauldron knows where.

                  Mor was dancing with herself in the middle of the dance floor while other couples twirled beside her. She was in her red gown, glad with diamonds. The gown as daring as it was, is also accompanied by the red lips that she had put on, and to add it all, she had on red heels. As Mor was swaying her hips to the beat, her golden hair glowed underneath the moonlight.

                  Azriel had been watching Mor dance with herself underneath moonlight, the happiness and joy that was in Mor's eyes when she twirled and took a sip from her wine was infectious, it couldn't keep a smile away from the shadowsinger.

                  Mor spun and twirled while her gown shimmered like the spirits atop that would soon fly across the sky. Her dance and Mor herself was magnetic, Azriel couldn't help but glide towards her. And soon, they were now dancing together, hand in hand as they beautiful melodies surround them. He looked into her eyes and Mor laughed again, spinning as Azriel guided her through the dance floor. Azriel was astounded at the life that was contained in Mor's eyes, the sound of her laughter was music to his ears.

As Azriel leaned towards Mor, the world stopped.

                  But the happiness that greeted Azriel soon drifted away as Morrighan pushed him away.


                  Mor's heart was pounding as Azriel leaned to kiss her, their lips barely brushing. The beating heart in her chest thumped and thumped, not because the happiness that engulfed her, no; it was fear. It was fear and confusion and embarrassment.

                  No, no, no, no, no. Mor couldn't do this.

                  It wasn't right.

                  Just seconds before their lips touched, she pushed him away and her heart aches as the pain on Azriel's eyes were visible, as his scarred hands travelled away from your hips, as confusion flooded his facial expression.

                  "I-I, I'm sorry Az, it's.. I just can't do this", she stutters as guilt started to flood Mor.

                  Morrighan looked into Azriel's hazel eyes.

                  She felt his world slowly crumple as Azriel's confusion and sadness shadowed her.

                  How could she do this to him? She had wanted to love him, yes she wanted to. But she couldn't.

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