Feysand-SMUT Prt.1!

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Authors note MUST READ: For this first part there won't be that much smut but there's still smut. But y'all have to read this before continuing to the part 2.

"Tell me what to do," he said. "Tell me what to do to help you."
Rhys kept the plate beyond reach. He spoke again, and as if the words tumbling out loosened his grip on his power, talons of smoke curled over his fingers and great wings of shadow spread from his back. "Months and months, and you're still a ghost. Does no one there ask what the hell is happening? Does your High Lord simply not care?"
He did care. Tamlin did care. Perhaps too much. "He's giving me space to sort it out," I said, with enough of a bite that I barely recognized, my voice.
"Let me help you," Rhys said. "We went through enough Under the Mountain—-"
I flinched.
"She wins," Rhys breathed. "That bitch "

After the war ended. The inner circle tries to clean the mess that Hybern has created. The city had been rebuild. It had been three years since the end of the war. Humans and Faes have been living together peacefully together. Except for Nesta and Cassian...😏😂

Rhys POV
It has been too long since I had my moment with Feyre. Caldron boil me. I missed her so god damn much. These past two years had been busy, I had to discuss certain matters with both the humans in the mortal lands and with the high lords in their territory. Within these two years, I had certainly became and acted like a full time High Lord of the Night Court. What I needed most right now is to become a full time husband and mate. I needed time with my Feyre. We'd been together for sure these past two years but definitely had not have a whole day and night together.
But today was the day that he had been waiting for...

Feyre's POV
Gods. Cauldron boil me. I have missed Rhys so gods damn much. I have spent the past two years helping the inner circle rebuild all the ruins of Velaris. Well my mate was busy with all the high lord business. He traveled a lot to the other courts and he had to discuss the treaty business with the mortals.
We have our nights together but never a whole day. But after tonight, things would go back to normal. Rhys had decided to hold a ball for all of the Velaris people, anyone could come and attend. This would be the day after the the treaty has been signed, stating that humans and faes shall all live in peace.
--- a few hours later

I have spent the whole day in the art studio. I painted everything that had happened. I have painted the night sky, I have painted starfall, I have painted the inner circle, I have painted Rhys's beautiful pair of violet eyes. Today was the day that I kept to my own promises. I have vowed to my self that I would start painting again. I would paint the beautiful moments that have happened to me. Each brush, each stroke, each movement, each time I dripped my paintbrush into the bright colours, I was grateful, I am grateful. Grateful that this eternal life have been given to me. Grateful that my sisters were here, safe with me. Grateful for my group of friends. No, the new family that has been given to me. Mostly, I was grateful for my mate. I was grateful that every morning, I would be able to wake up and see his beautiful violet eyes that stared back into mines. Grateful that after I have met my mate, a new life was given to me, a new journey, a new path have been given to me.
As the clock struck four, I cleaned up my tools and headed towards the balcony where I can see the sunset. Today, the sunset was absolutely gorgeous.The shades of purple slowly lighten to red and pink. The bright sun slowly sank giving the horizon a shade of yellow and orange. The yellow ball of fire changed to hues of orange, and then almost tangerine. It merged with the sky, like juice dissolving in a glass of water. The clouds were cotton-candy, as though they blushed at the warm touch of the sun and the clouds seemed to glow as the sun illuminated the silhouettes. Above the horizon, the deep  violet sky started to appear. The violet sky reminded me so much of Rhy's eyes.Cauldron boil me. I missed him so much. It's been a week since he left to discuss matters in the mortal land. The stars twinkled in unison with each other above the sky. All I wished was for Rhys to be here.
As I glanced down to see the sinking sun on the horizon, I saw a pair of wings flapping towards me. As the figure came closer towards me, I saw that it was Rhys. Gods. He was still the most beautiful living creature I have ever known.
Is that so Feyre darling? Rhys's voice purred in my head and followed my a chuckle.
Feyre darling, you forgot to put your shields up again
Prick   I murmured through the bond
A seconds later Rhys landed on the balcony. Before I could say anything more, Rhys pulled me in his strong arms and kissed me. His kiss was so passionate, so full of love, eager and lust. As his tongue touched mines, my toes curled up as if this was the first time breathing in his sensation of snow and feeling his touch. Without breaking the kiss, Rhys carried me away in a bridal way and flew us to our room. He dropped me on the bed and lay on top of me. HIs body warm and muscular on top of mines. He planted both of his arms on the bed between my head so that his weight does not come crashing on me. He slowly pulled away from the kiss and started to nibble my ear. Oh gods. Every touch sent heat and a feeling of zing to my whole body. He kept going on and kissed my neck, working his way towards my shoulder. I arched my back so that my beck is exposed, as it sending an invitation for more. As he started to work his way down between my breasts, I gave a silent moan and touched his wings. Rhys purred after feeling the satisfying sensation of my touch on his wings.

Rhys's POV

I wanted to taste every inch of her all again. There was no need for words to describe my feelings towards her. As she touched my wings, all the parts in my body seem to spark, enlighten by her touch. Oh gods. I wanted this moment to last forever.
Our moment was then later interrupted by the chiming of the clock. The clock struck 6 and reality just hit me. I totally forgot about the ball.
I was the High Lord and I can't afford to be late, and so was Feyre. As I got out of the bed, I let out a groan. It seems that Feyre totally forgot about the ball as she gave me an expression of wonder.
"Feyre darling, as much as I want to continue, we must get dressed for tonights ball."
Feyre suddenly jolted out from the bed, eyes wide.
"Shit. Shit. Shit. Rhys, why the fuck didn't you tell me earlier. I now have only one bloody hour left to get dressed."
Before I could say anything else she shooed my out of our room and send me to my other room to get dressed. Gods, why did he have to have a ball today.
After this he thought. He would continue after this.

Feyre's POV

Shit. I murmured to myself. One hour would not be enough for me to get dressed. I still longed for Rhys's touch. Right now it seems that I could still feel his touch on her skin. But I had to get ready. My last job of a High Lady for this week.
Later, I promised myself. Later on I would savour every touch every kiss Rhys gave me tonight.
I got up to my closet that now had images of the night sky painted on it. I darted my eyes to the left and right of the closet. After a few minutes, I found the perfect dress. The dress was dark blue, so dark that it could be mistaken for black if not observed closely. The dress had a heart shaped neckline, strapless. From the waist up, the dark fabric was embroidered with small silver crystals that twirled around her waist. It was almost like the starry night sky itself. The dress outlined her slim waist perfectly. From the waist down, the dress then slightly flared out. The dark fabric bellow her waist reached her ankles. It was lined with silver stars along its hem.
I stared at myself in the mirror and smiled. It was the perfect dress. With its sweet heart neckline and the fact that it was strapless, the dress showcased my tattoos. It shows my story in the mountains and that I could show to my people how much I sacrificed and how much I am willing to sacrifice for them. I then called Nuala and Cerridwen to help her with my hair. Nuala and Cerridwen then braided my golden-brown locks into a crown so that I could place an actual crown on my head. The tiara was small. Not that I needed one because everyone in Pythian knew that this was the High Lady of the Night court without a crown. But I chose to wear one because it matched perfectly with my dress with the black gem on top and four small crystals beside it.
As I walked out of our room and headed towards the large staircase that leads to the ballroom, I heard the voices of people and faes. I heard the voice of champaign glass clinking with each other. I glanced at the clock.
Shit. I was five minutes late.
As I walked down the stairs I saw that Rhys was already downstairs and so was the rest of her family and the people of Velaris.
Within the third step I took down the stairs, everyone was looking towards my direction. Then my gaze locked into Rhys's and I gave him a smile. He just stood there staring me with awe as I slowly walked down the stairs.
I could never be happier.

Rhys's POV

Cauldron boil me. Feyre was beautiful. Each step she took down the stairs left me in awe. My high lady, my equal, my mate was so beautiful. I couldn't take my eyes off her. As Feyre reached the bottom of the staircase, she walked straight to me and gave me a deep kiss in front of all the people.
Feyre darling, it has come to my notice that you are not wearing anything beneath that beautiful dress of yours.
Prick. If you want to figure out, you'll have to wait until tonight. After the party.
With that, she ended the kiss and took a glass of champaign and said to out people
"Enjoy!" After that, the party resumed to its original form. With music and chattering. Feyre walked away towards the people and turned around to gave me a small evil smile.
I purred at her through the bond.
I guess I had to figure it out tonight...

Part two will come shortly...with the smuts...like 100%smut but it'll be shorter than this chapter tho

Word count:1928

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