KOA review (with spoilers)

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Start writing your story

Hi all!!! I'v have been MIA for a really longgggg time,, so sorry for that.

Of course, I finished Kingdom of Ashhhh (like a week ago). It took me so long to get the book, like legit. So I live in Thailand and the book shipped here like 10 days ago so yeah...

I'm not usually a book crier but I cried like three times when i read this book, so lets start with the reviewwwwww.... [Its gonna be really fucking long, trust me]

BTW, I LOVE THIS BOOK, WITH MY HEART AND SOUL, no matter what my review says, pls keep in mind that I LOVE THIS SERIES WITH MY BLOOD SWEAR AND TEARS

1. "Take it off, take it off...." That scene made me cry buckets. I literally could see Aelin thrashing around trying to take the iron mask out. From what Sarah wrote, I can hear her wailing and AElin's begging, to take the mask of. I find that the scene was very well written and it shows the development of Aelin's character (but backwards... if you get it). So throughout the whole series, Aelin is just this strong, sassy, independent gal which she does not care to tell anyone her plans and she does not ask for help (she believes that she is the one who has to be strong in order to protect everyone she loves). I really do love her character but I also loved how Sarah had incorporated the PTSD part. It just shows how for once, Aelin had learnt to ask for help. It was indeed very heartbreaking but at the same time I felt that this part is also a very important part for Aelin. It shows how broken she was from Maeve that she didn't care about pride or fierceness, she just literally wanted to get the mask off. This was definitely an important point for Aelin to grow as a queen.

2. Rowan asking to touch/kiss Aelin. The fact that Rowan asked permission had literally melted me. I was reading it and like, I NEED THIS KIND OF BOYFRIEND. The narration of Rowaelin was not forced at all, it was very natural and Sarah didn't force the relationship. I loved how considered Rowan was (how selfless he was, he was Aelin's MATE and had known that she was suffering in that darn IRON COFFIN for two months but yet,,, he didn't just grabbed Aelin and kissed her, he gave Aelin time to heal... :). I loved Rowan from the very start and with him treating Aelin like this, I just came to love him so much more (I know, he's aelin's lmao). On the other hand, I wished that there were more Rowan narrations and his suffering throughout the whole thing. I know we got it in the prologue ('The Prince') but then again, I wan't to understand more through his point of view when he lost his mate, when he gave time for Aelin to heal (not touching her). I'm constantly asking to myself: what was he thinking? What was the emotional pain that he had gone through? What were the thoughts in his head when he gave her time to heal? Of course, the book is so long that I understood why Rowan's POV wasn't added, however, I wish Sarah could cut a BIT of Aelin's POV when she escaped the coffin and saw Rowan and replace it with Rowan's POV.

3. Evangeline: IN THIS BOOK, EVANGELINE IS A TRUE KWEENNNNN... Like I literally want to adopt this little girl. I loved how Evangeline has grown and I loved her genuine braveness. Even though she was brave, she didn't want to be protected during war, she wanted to help fight for her new home. Somehow, this lil gal managed to melt Darrow's heart... like WOW. I think it was in EOS (or maybe QOS) that Aelin told Evangeline to win back her kingdom and I loved how Sarah had actually made Evangeline win back Aelin's kingdom one way. I liked how Evangeline was not just sitting there as a character for the reader's to pity for, like she was there in the book for THE purpose.

4. Nox!!!!!: So of course I was REALLY glad that we could see Nox coming back into KOA. I liked the part where he saw Lysandra (as Aelin) and was like,,, I remember my friend, Celeana, and I know its not you. Its just amazing how Sarah manages to link all the characters from past to present, and in the same time, developing them. What I had wished was the Nox and Aelin reunion scene. I was kind of frustrated to be honest that I didn't get the scene I wanted (I might make a one shot of it,, maybe).

Feysand and Rowaelin OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora