55 - Destiny

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Viraj's pov

"I can't believe this. How he could stab us behind our back when he works for our firm. Even if it is for money at least he should have think about his reputation and what about Priyanka? Now what will happen to their marriage?" Arjun was super mad at Abhay when I explained everything to my friends. I told them about Mili and why she came to our firm, her relation with Abhay and how that bastard cheated on her.

"still you should have told us about Mili earlier Viraj. How can you sent her back just like that? Even though it started with a wrong step I always had a good feeling about your relationship with Mili. " Jiyah commented

"feelings will remains as feelings Jiyah. I loved her like a fool but she told me that she can't give me back same feelings. I can't snatch anyone's love from them forcefully." I was completely down. I couldn't laugh properly, I couldn't eat properly I feel like I doesn't belongs to this world anymore. That was the effect Mili left on me. She just said a goodbye and went back to her normal life but what about me? Once again I became all alone.

"still it's interesting. A naïve girl like Mili came to Delhi all the way from Dehradun just for her love and did all kinds of odd things to be with her lover. They met at Delhi and they separated at Delhi itself. Abhay doesn't deserve our Mili " Ishaan commented

"what I am thinking is not that Ishaan. Actually why I feel like their first meeting story bit familiar?"  Jiyah said knitting her eyebrows

"what you mean? Your brain will be comparing that situation with some kind of romantic movies " Arjun mocked Jiyah

"no Arjun it's not like that. Do you guys remember when I came to Delhi to visit Ishaan you three took me to Chandini Chowk for a tour and that time Viraj also encountered a similar situation do you remember Viraj? You ran towards me all panicked and said that a girl fell unconsciously on ground asked me to help her. Time, date and place everything is just same only persons are different" actually Jiyah was right. I totally forget about that incident but recollecting them I think the situational story Mili said about her first meeting with Abhay was similar.

I suddenly ran towards my room and began to check for something in my closet. After going through some old boxes I finally found that. I couldn't believe myself. I think my eyes are deceiving me now. Years back at Chandini Chowk it wasn't Abhay who helped Mili when she gets unconscious. It was me who held her before falling on ground. Even after trying so hard to wake her up she wasn't opening her eyes and I went through that girls bag then found an emergency card in which her blood group, name, guardian's number were written. Since she got a rare blood group such peoples always carried this emergency card so that people can help them as soon as possible.

I took that card with me and went to a public telephone booth to contact her guardians and found a boy in his uniform. Since he seemed to be a student I asked him to look that girl till I call her parents. After informing them I quickly ran towards my friends and asked Jiyah to help her but when we reached there that girl already went with her guardians so I couldn't get to know about her ware bouts.

I chuckled looking at that emergency card because back then Mili was just a school student.

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