54 - Missing

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It's a double update

Writer's pov

" can you get it ? Say yes or no. it's not like I won't get anyone else to complete this task . "

Abhay was with Mr Kishore Bakshi, Pratik's uncle who planned to kill Viraj at any cost. He was shouting at Abhay and they were in an isolated place.

"give me some time it's not like Viraj is keeping such things in front of everyone. He won't even keep important files inside his cabin even though it has a locker and documents you are asking I don't even know where he kept them" Abhay shouted back

"that's your job, that's why I hired you and paying such huge amount. If you don't do your job worth for the money I gave you then you can leave after paying back my money " Mr Bhakshi yelled at Abhay

"don't talk to me in that tone. You know very well that other than me no one can help you with this matter. So calm down and give me some time to organise myself. By that time you can send rest of our deal money into my account " Abhay yelled

"how much time you need? This is not something you can play around. Varma industries future depends on those papers. If he publishes them or passes it to income tax then everything is finished. My hard works for all these years will be gone and varma industries will hit rock bottom. I can't let that happen it will be better I kill myself before that. That's why I paying you a fortune amount which you can't even make working in that office for hundred years. So you better do your job as soon as possible"
Mr Bakshi ordered and gave a look at Abhay which was more like a warning.

"if documents are inside his office locker it will be difficult because of all those security system but if it is inside his house then things are easy. I know what to do" making things clear they both parted.

Abhay went back to office and was waiting for a perfect opportunity to invade into Viraj's cabin in order to check those documents. Finally he got one; Ria was heading towards Viraj's cabin with some files. Viraj was not at office during that time.

He went with Ria making up an excuse that he got mixed up something important related to his case with other documents and he began to look for documents which
Mr Bhakshi asked for. After searching thoroughly he made sure that documents are inside his house. Now he has to come up with some other plan how to enter into his house.

Checking on Viraj's schedule for coming few days he found a perfect day and time to implement his plan.

It's going to be a week after Mili left from his house. He was really tired of living alone in that house. For the first time he felt his house is huge for a single person and everywhere he began to imagine Mili. At kitchen, balcony, stairscase, her room. He even slept on her bed during past two days.

Whenever he wakes he quickly ran down to check whether Mili is standing at Kitchen Island making his morning coffee. While sitting on couch he will be spacing out imagining how they used to argue and quarrelled like kids for small matters. Till now he didn't said anything that happened to his friends. He just said that Mili went to Dehradun because she missed her family.

His house came back to how it's used to be like a jungle. He never cooked after Mili left so kitchen was same like how she kept.

Skipping usual morning coffee and breakfast he went to office like a lifeless soul. Today Viraj got an important meeting with one of his client so he went there from office.


"I don't remember he asked for any maintenance. Also not so long every complaints are took care by us then what is this now?" Abhay was disguising as a cable operator in order to enter into Viraj's house.

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