Chapter One

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"Hey Aisha",Nana,one of Aisha's deskmates whispers. "What do you want?"Aisha sighs and asks. Nana pouts at being talked to like that. "Yah!! Why are you talking to me like that?" Nana asks again while pouting. Aisha rolls her eyes at her and asks tiredly,"What do you want? Spit it out."

"Hey set me up with Jungkook. Will you?",she asks looking at her with pleading eyes. "You never learn. Haven't you already gone after everyone of them? You disgust me. Now back off and let me study",comes her curt reply.

Suddenly, she notices Jisoo sitting by the window seat in a daze and not listening to the lecture. "Hey Min exchange seats with me",she whispers to Jisoo's deskmate. "What? Why?",he whispers back. Aisha points behind him at Jisoo and he boss his head in agreement when he turns around to see her blank gaze.

"Hey what happened Jisoo",Aisha asks her while poking ber arm and bringing her back to reality. "Nothing. Nothing is wrong. Why are you asking that?",she asks cocking her head sideways. "You sure",Aisha asks with a raised eyebrow. "Yes. Totally sure",comes the reply. "If you say so",Aisha replies with a shrug.

The period ends quickly after that. "Finally lunch break. Come on let's go Jisoo. Somehow I am feeling really hungry today",chuckles after saying that."Aisha you go ahead. I will be there with you guys in a while",Jisoo replies.

"You need to go somewhere?"she asks raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah I need to go borrow a book from the library",Jisoo simply replies.

"I will go with you too. Later we can go to others together",Aisha replies packing her stuff.

"It's fine I won't be long. I will be there soon. Go ahead",Jisoo replies somewhat too quickly.

"Oh. Okay. If you say so. I will save you a seat. Don't take too long",she replies before rushing off to cafeteria.

Aisha walks out the door of the class to only be thrown back in by the big wall of girls that has gathered outside her class. "What the hell is going on here",she shouts at the top of her voice but is drowned out by the girls shrieks. "Move the hell out of my way",comes a stern and irritated voice followed by Yoongi popping up out of thin air. Aisha rolls her eyes and stands up with his help,"Mind explaining me again why these girls are so crazy about you grandpa."

Suga smacks her on the head and grunts. "Yah!! Yoongi hyung don't hit Aisha", Jimin says popping up from behind him. "Thanks shortie",Aisha smiles at Jimin. "You know what I changed my mind. Hit her as much as you want. I won't stop you",Jimin says to Yoongi smirking. Aisha glares at Jimin who just replies with a casual shrug,"The day you stop calling me shortie, I will start taking a stand for you." Aisha runs off to the others and is again thrown back by the crowd. "Jeez!! Why am I even friends with these popular guys? No, the question should be how am I even friends with these popular guys?"She thinks to herself and gives a mental eyeroll before finally she somehow reaches the others.

"There you are. Come on let's go to the cafeteria", Hoseok says bright as ever.
"I am hungry",Jin says. Namjoon chuckles and replies,"Tell us something new."

"Hey where is Jisoo?" Tae asks Aisha. "She said that she had to stop by the library before coming to the cafeteria",she replies. "Where did Jungkook go?"Jimin asks looking around in confusion. "He has gone to hand in his assignment", Taehyung replies. "Who has gone where?"Jungkook asks popping out of nowhere in front of Jin. "Yah!! Jungkook you scared me. Don't ever do that again",Jin and Hoseok says while clinging on to Yoongi as he was the closest on walking next to them when they were scared.

"Yah!!! Let go of me you two",Yoongi shouts. Everyone chuckles. Namjoon looks back at them to say something but suddenly see Jisoo walking towards the main gate of the college in a hurry. "Where he Jisoo going?"he thinks out aloud. "What did you say hyung?"Jungkook turns around to see Jisoo disappearing out of the gate. "Aisha, didn't you say that Jisoo had some work at the library?"Namjoon asks uncertainly. "Yup. She said that she won't be long",comes the reply. "Then why did she just walk out of the college gate?"Jungkook questions. "What? Where would she wanna go now?"Aisha asks looking confused. "Should we go after her and see if everything is alright?" Hoseok suggests. "That is a good idea. Let's go now before we lose sight of her",Jin says. "Okay",everyone says at the same time and rushes out of the gate after Jisoo.


Hope everyone is doing well. I am really bad at cliffhangers. Hope you guys liked this chapter. Have a nice day/night. Take care everyone.

Sarangheyo 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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