Sting X Reader X Rogue | Chocolate

Start from the beginning

"That's not true but thank you for thinking so," [Name] giggled, glancing at him and showing a bright smile.

Sting only glanced up for a second, but quickly looked back down at his work once again. Silence passed over them, the sound of pen scratching paper filling the office.

"Why don't you just tell him?" Sting suddenly asked.

"I have a bad feeling that I'll somehow ruin our friendship," [Name] murmured with a sad smile. "You know, I've been admiring him on and off for years. I don't even know if this really is love honestly..."

"With how much you talk about him, then yeah, it probably is,"

[Name] glanced at the boy from the corner of her eye.

'You know, Yuki said the same thing about you,' the thought came across her mind but she never voiced it.

Around a year ago, she had asked Sting why her heart started racing and why she felt herself constantly thinking about someone. He had told her that it meant you liked or probably loved the person.

She still didn't understand why their bodies were like that. It was just too confusing. All she knows is that according to Sting, she likes Rogue and had stuck to that. But now after talking to Yuki, she apparently likes the both of them?

"Oh right!" [Name] suddenly exclaimed, pulling a box of chocolates out of her bag and pushing it towards Sting just as he stood up. "Made them myself," she added cheerily.

"Huh? Why am I getting chocolates as well?" Sting asked, taking it but never quite meeting her eye. His other hand lifted up to cover his cheeks.

"Hm, you're not the only person I talk too~" she grinned happily. "Yuki told me that I should give them to you as well."

"And you just do everything Yukino tells you to do?" he raised an eyebrow at her, his composure returning.

"I asked her that as well, but she just said, 'Trust me, Minerva-sama also believes that you should'," [Name] answered, impersonating the silver haired girl's voice. "These are your favourites, right? White chocolate?"

"Y-Yeah, thanks," he managed to grin and reach up to ruffle her hair.

"Jeez, you and Rogue are exactly the same. This is the second time my hair's been messed up today," she pouted, glaring slightly.

"Doesn't look too bad. I'm finished here so let's go take a break or something," Sting offered.

"Sure," [Name] followed along with a smile.

But as soon as they walked outside, they met face to face with Minerva and Yukino. By the look on their faces, it seemed that Sting wasn't being truthful. [Name] only smiled apologetically as Sting was dragged back into his office by Minerva, unable to do anything to help.

"What did he do wrong this time?" [Name] didn't even react to the sudden voice next to her ear, already used to Rogue's antics.

"No idea. Also, maybe you should stop doing that? Just so other people don't start dying of heart attacks you know?" [Name] asked back, turning to face the boy. But he only blinked at the question, tilting his head ever so slightly. "The whole emerging from the shadows and suddenly speaking thing?"

"Oh, sorry,"

"You don't have to apologise. It's amusing most times," [Name] quickly smiled sweetly at him before linking her arm through his. "Come on, let's go sit down or something."

"Sure," Rogue agreed, letting her drag him off.

They sat down beside each other at the nearest table to the office and started chatting. Although it was mostly [Name] who was speaking, neither side minded. It was always like this after all. Neither of them mentioned the empty spot opposite them. 

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