He thought it over carefully, before nodding. "Yes."

Now he stood there, clutching the restriction amulet in his hand so tightly it dug into his skin. He remembered how he had felt when he first realized what this artifact meant to him, and how much he had been overwhelmed by his feelings towards Erin at that time.

Maybe she was right. I was in love with how I pictured her in my head, not the real her. Because I was so near sighted, I almost caused her to hate me.

Matthias thought of the girl who suffered like him, but kept moving forward. Of how she cared about her friends, protecting them from harm even if it cost her everything. How she had worked to protect him too, despite his selfish words.

It's not all fake, Erin. His smile was tinged with sadness. I really do love the real you.

With that thought, his hand slowly opened up, dropping the amulet into the sand. Immediately he felt his freezing magic course through his body, the all too familiar pain of his skin and muscle being destroyed by ice making him wince. Reaching out with his pale, trembling hands, he placed them in the cold water, focusing. Starting from this point, a wave of white pushed outwards, the water hardening into ice until all of the ships slowed and stopped, trapped. He shivered, the magic already slowing his heartbeat, trapping the air in his lungs, cooling his blood.

I'll hold it as long as I can, Erin. I'll leave the rest to you.

Gerald and Frederick moved along the rocky mountain paths, keeping a close eye out as they quickly tried to get ahead of the troops in the many winding mountain paths. Gerald used his insight ability to keep track of the soldier's locations, while Frederick quickly modified artifacts from his pack.

"What will these do?" Gerald finally asked, after watching him plant an artifact on each of the paths in front of the marching troops.

"Accomplish the task Erin gave us." Was the short answer he was given. After placing the last one, Frederick grinned and added. "Let's get back up to the cliff to watch the rest."

Once they were seated, Gerald started getting restless. "Frederick...the troops are still separated. Erin wanted us to push everyone to the main path. Are you sure your artifacts will work?"

The other boy looked offended. "Seriously? You are really asking me this?" He sighed and shook his head. "Unlike you, who's brain is filled with worthless things like love and how to keep proposing to your girlfriend unsuccessfully, I have actually worked to master my craft." He grinned and started counting off on his fingers. "And you will see the result of that in three... two.... one." At his last word, explosions appeared from multiple locations; everywhere they had left an artifact. As the smoke and rubble cleared, large stone walls could be seen blocking the alternate paths. From their perch on one of the higher cliffs, the troops converging towards the main path could clearly be seen.

"Nice. Dual fire and earth artifacts?" Gerald nodded in approval.

"You make it sound so simple.... But yes." He stretched, a satisfied grin spreading across his face. "Are you sure we caught all the troops?"

"My insight doesn't lie. Everyone's been diverted to the main path. Now... it's all up to Erin."

"Can she do it? I mean, she's tough; she even beat ME in a fight. But..." He looked worried. "This is an army we're talking about."

Gerald chuckled. "You haven't seen Erin's real abilities yet."

"You mean she's stronger than eight abilities at level 3 and 4?" Frederick's eyebrows rose.

" Just watch." He was smiling, but even the cheerful expression couldn't completely conceal the worry in his eyes.

Come back to me safe, Erin. Please.

Restricted Magic - Arc 2: The CompetitionWhere stories live. Discover now