Frederick and Gerald had killed both of their opponents. Olivia was still moving from person to person, a cold sweat forming on her forehead as she healed each time she stopped. She made eye contact with Erin, giving a thumb's up to show she was okay, but it didn't make Erin any less worried.

"I'll go help her." Gerald offered. "I may only have level 2 powers in healing, but I might be able to lighten the load somewhat."

"Thank you." Erin smiled warmly at him.

Gerald shrugged. "Don't mention it, she's my friend too."

"Didn't she kidnap you?" Erin chuckled.

"No one's perfect, Erin." With a lopsided grin, he headed off to Olivia's side and began assisting her with healing the wounded. Erin and Matthias stared silently at each other for a while. During this, she couldn't help but feel an uncomfortable sensation, an awkward disconnect with the boy in front of her that she couldn't quite suppress. Trying to push past it, She smiled at him.

"Thanks for your help."

Matthias's eyes brightened with an intensity that made Erin unconsciously take a single step back. "Anytime. I'm so happy you're finally relying on me."

"Well, we're teammates... that's what we do..." Looking around, Erin waved when she saw a smiling Frederick, happy for the interruption.

"Did you catch anyone?"

Frederick walked closer, dragging something behind him. To her surprise it was three of the masked men, all bundled up in a glowing green rope. "How could you even doubt? My talents are incomparable, of course I can accomplish such a simple task." He dumped the three struggling men in front of her, stepping on one to strike a victorious pose. "My brilliance stuns even myself sometimes."

Erin rolled her eyes. "And so humble, too." Leaning closer to the bound attackers, she examined the bindings carefully. "Is this Earth magic?"

"Good spot! It's a level 4 earth artifact, the grasping vine net." He leaned in, whispering. "It also has a physical reinforcement element."

Erin gasped. "You made a dual magic artifact?!"

"Told you I was a genius."

Deciding to ignore that, she waved a hand, bringing the man she had trapped and forcing him to stand next to his fellow terrorists. His face was pale and thin, the bones slightly too prominent, the eyes glowing with a fanatical light. He and his companions struggled silently, glaring at Erin as if hoping to kill her with their thoughts alone.

She ignored them, waving a hand to bring the one she had captured closer. "Tell me why you attacked this event."

The man stayed silent, his face stubborn."

Sighing, Erin smiled at him. "You'll talk eventually, you know." She lifted a finger, and a small red flame came to life on top of it. "There's so many ways to hurt someone without killing them." Leaning forward, she whispered. "I'd bet good money that you break from the pain long before I get bored of hurting you."

At her cruel words, Frederick shot her an odd look, inching back a few feet, while Matthias continued to watch with a calm smile, as if watching a play at the theater.

"I – I..." The man was silent, his eyes wide with fear. However, before he could speak further, a crazed light came into his eyes. His mouth opened wider and he began to shout.

"THE CLEANSING IS COMING. THE REVOLUTION IS HERE! ALL OF YOU SPAWNED FROM THE PITS OF HELL, TWISTING REALITY AS YOU SEE FIT, WILL BE PUNISHED! WE DECLARE WAR ON ALL WHO DEFY THE NATURAL ORDER! YOU WILL ALL DIE!" He laughed, his eyes rolling back in his head until only the whites showed. Startled, Erin reached forward to grab him, only to to hVe his eyes focused on her once more.


He bit down on something within his mouth. Erin realized quickly what was going on and shouted for help.

"Someone get a healer, they're trying to kill themselves."

The man she had captured looked up at her with hatred in his eyes.

"See you in Hell." With that, his last breath whistled out with a sigh, and he was gone. The other three died almost immediately after.

Gerald ran up, having heard Erin's urgent cry.

"What's going on? Are you hurt?" With a look of shock, he examined the corpses of the captured men.

"It's some sort poison capsule, kept under a flap of tissue in the cheek." He frowned and shook his head. "Nasty stuff, there's nothing I can do now."

"Who were they?" Frederick had a look of disgust on his face. "They kept talking about 'twisting reality' and 'defying the natural order'... some sort of extremist anti-magic group?"

Erin studied the bodies carefully. "Rather well trained weren't they?" There was something familiar about they way they moved, about they way they fought. It hung tantalizingly just out of reach, the more she chased it, the more it eluded her. Finally she gave up, hoping it would come to her in time.

"Are you four all right?" Aunt Elsinore strode up, examining them all closely.

"We're fine." Erin was slightly embarrassed as the older woman insisted on looking her over from head to tow, as if to reassure herself that she was not injured. "I swear! Not even a scratch."

"Who would be so foolish as to attack an opening ceremony with some of the most powerful magic users of a generation?" She threw up her hands, "If nothing else, the presence of... that man... should have deterred them."

At her words, Erin glanced over, seeing her father leaning against a wall, casually watching her. Around him in all directions lay broken corpses of any attackers who tried their luck with him. His gaze on Erin was quizzical, intense, as if trying to figure her out. Erin assumed it was because she had shown some capability earlier. Her father never did like things moving outside of his expectations. Their eyes met, and Erin looked away first, shuddering.

"At least it can't get any worse."

"Excuse me." A palace servant wearing fine blue clothes stopped before them, bowing politely. "Your presence is requested in the main palace for a debriefing of this incident."

Aunt Elsinore raised an eyebrow. "That was quick."

Gerald stepped forward, "Okay, I can go." He was about to walk away, but the servant shook his head, embarrassed. "I'm sorry, Your Highness, but the request was specifically for this young lady here." He gestured towards Erin. "Although the decree did say that you could accompany her if you like."

Gerald's jaw clenched. "I would like to."

"Very well, follow me." They followed the young man deeper into the palace.

"This seems very strange." Erin murmured. "Why just us? Also, we don't have a clue where we're going."

Gerald winced. "I might have a sneaking suspicion."

"Really, where?"

"We're here." Before Gerald could answer, the servant stopped outside two grand doors, giving them another polite bow. "Please enter.

Nervously, Erin pushed on the doors, entering with Gerald following close behind her.

"Thank you so much for coming, Erin!" A beautiful woman stepped forward, holding her hands out to grasp Erin's.

"I'm happy to be here." Erin was trying desperately to catch her bearings, completely confused as to where she was and who she was talking to.

"What a good girl." A handsome man stepped beside the woman, looking Erin over with a thoughtful look. "You two are well matched!" Erin glanced around the room, slightly uncomfortable.

"Dad, don't make her uncomfortable! " Gerald stepped forward with a glare. Erin nodded for a moment, before realizing.


"Did you say 'dad'? Then that...that makes you...?" She looked up at the grinning man with a stunned expression.

"Yep!" Gerald grabbed her hand, squeezing it with a smile. "Erin, this is Their Majesties King and Queen Riciancia of the Ellurine Alliance." He chuckled.

"My parents."

Restricted Magic - Arc 2: The CompetitionWhere stories live. Discover now