Gerald didn't laugh with her, his expression uncommonly serious.

"It doesn't matter. Most powerful man in the world? We'll get stronger until it's no longer true. Killed thousands? We only have to kill one person, and he'll never see it coming. He only thinks our resistance means nothing, but he's a dead man walking, we just have to prove it to him."

He reached out, his thumb wiping away a tear that Erin didn't know had been running down her face and finally smiled again.

"Besides, even if I didn't have the ulterior motive of wanting to convince you to marry me one day, I'm pretty sure that boyfriend rules dictate that I help you avoid forced engagements with other people."

Erin couldn't help it, she broke out it laughter, a true happy laugh she didn't think she'd hear again after leaving her father's presence. "You're ridiculous."

"For your sake? Worth it." He hugged her again, and then called out. "Olivia, you can stop eavesdropping now."

The door swung open, and a disgruntled face peered at the two of them.

"How'd you know?"

He raised an eyebrow. "I have level 5 insight, remember? You think a door is going to hide your presence from me?"

"Spoilsport." She rushed over and jumped at Erin, grabbing her from Gerald's arms and squeezing her tightly. "Don't worry about your stupid father and his plans. We'll tear him apart."

Erin patted her head, sighing with relief as the people closest to her surrounded her. "Thanks."

Olivia pulled back. "Now let's move onto the more important question: WHEN DID YOU TWO START DATING?!!!"

"Just today! She said it was official!" Gerald grinned and gave the girl two thumbs up.

"Congrats!" She and Gerald high-fived, striking triumphant poses. Erin couldn't help but laugh again.

"You guys..."

"Okay, enough sad stuff, we have a free afternoon before we meet our trainer for the competition, we should use it." Gerald stood up, bending down to help Olivia and Erin to their feet.

"Trainer?" Erin couldn't help but ask.

"Apparently the government will send a designated trainer with both of the schools from our country to help teach the competitors and optimize them prior to leaving the country." Olivia held up two fingers. "One for ours and one for the national military academy."

"Anyways, we don't meet our trainer until later today, so we have time to go goof off. " Gerald brought them back to the subject at hand. "Why don't the three of us have a picnic? I'll make some food and we can head out to the lake at the edge of the school grounds."

Erin thought it over. "Sounds fun, I'm in."

"Sorry guys, I want to go spend some time with my brother." Olivia shrugged, her expression mischievous, "Besides, I don't want to be a third wheel for the new couple."

Gerald winked at her. "Appreciate the sentiment, but you're still welcome to join us if you change your mind." He turned to Erin. "Still okay with going if it's just me?"

"Sure, that's fine."

"Good, I'll go make some food." He moved towards the door, but then paused, looking back at her. "Erin, I promise not to propose at all today, okay?"

"Why do you say that?" Erin was confused.

His smile was gentle. "I think you've had a little too much engagement pressure lately, let's just have fun and not worry so much about the future for now."

Restricted Magic - Arc 2: The CompetitionWhere stories live. Discover now