chap 11

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"A good father and good husband, a good We  shall miss him. He has been good to us... he is the one who United us, helped us stand together and fight back. Today we don't feel necked nor miss placed, and it all thanks to him..."  People stood in Circles young and old alike, including a young lady with a silver hair holding the hand of her 7 year old daughter, bland green eye girl. 

"Dost to dost, ash to ash... you my rest in peace" the man who was speaking stepped  back as a young man apply a white liquid to the diseased turning him to ash.

People stood cold motion less emotion less. As each individual walked to the diseases, family they brought a set of frozen flowers.

Each with a unique crystal and mark, they expressed their sorrow with out any word. A quality off only know to the north.

After the ceremony, people left one after the other, leaving a trail of sad red roses. As it was a tradition of their people, a symbolic meaning for those were wronged.

A cold Hayes settled after everyone left. The land felt empty, colder then before and more untolarabol. The lady starred at the ash holding back what felt like  furore "Tell me mother will you leave me too?... will you leave a long... without saying goodbye?"

The mother smiled and knell down to her daughter "...he didn't say goodbye because he was wronged. He never planned to leave us a long..." she paused for a moment "We-we aren't along Honey, and now that we are down a number I want you to be strong^-^okay"

The little girl sad face didn't change, plank face and sad green eyes. She stared at her mom "As strong as father so I can pertect you" the mother nodded and pooled her daughter in a hack "Yes".

Steps on the snow drove them a part, as they looked a figure in a soldier clothing immergid "Uncle Suley" the little girl run to him and give him a hack.

"Couldn't you see we were having  a mother and daughter time?-Suleyman" he chechaled "I am here to invite you two to the dinner table" he give the little girl a picky back "Come along-if you want,but I am taken this little tiger" the girl smiles and waves at her mom.

"Sure-I...I will follow in a moment. Go on a head before me"  as they left her sight she turns to the stone that her husbands name was carved long before his death. He was  warned, he wasn't afared to not heed it and he tried ignoring until he couldn't...

"What possessed you to ignore it..." One could feel the anger in her voice "Who gave you the right to apoddent us...or leave without saying goodbye" was she expecting the ash to respond, no she just lost her composure, 'get yourself tougher women, he is dead' an a voice told her.

She quickly got up and followed the trial of foot that where left behind. At last she reached the hole of the dinner  where everyone sate silently waiting.
"I thought you people already start eating without me, and that I was too late"

"Come along women, I have special place for you right beside me" A male spoke who was sitting right across her on the rounded table, and everyone gazed at him but they weren't suprised-at all.

But of course that was two years ago and that man was found frozen at the back of the city walls after that incident. Although he was the only commander the government trusted and a suspect of a certain murder.

After his death the government lost connection to the north hence forth the north lost connection with the government.

"Oh god Laura. When I said lete us have girl to girl talk I didn't expect you would open up this much" Rei said as she  finished a hole bottle of wine. Laura stared confused "It hasn't been 5 minutes and you already finished a hole bottle?"  Rei laughed as she walked to picked a new bottle from hole collection of different winds.

"Oh honey relax and have a bottle or two..."  she walked swinging side to side and sate beside Laura, and moved closely to lean on her shoulder "...because is girl's night baby..."  she screamed madly the last part.

"You sound drunk" Laura rolled her eyes, but Rei jumped straddling her. She sate on the other side of the couch "Let me gouse you would love to spand some quality time with
Suleyman right about now?" Laura dropped the glass of wine she picked up and stared at Rei "Oh hell no women" Rei said dropping the bottle of wine she just opened.

"What's with you women and breaking things today" the home AI spoke as it cleaned the mess they made "you actually like him?" Rei asked in disbelieve "Is not like that..." Laura answered whith what sounded like shy voice.

"And here I thought I was the only girl who was Bewitched by the guy" Laura just blinked trying to Digest what she just heard, both of them burst into laughter "Girl he has ticked off all my boxes" Rei confused "Me two"  Laura joined "and make mind the third confusion of tonight" both ladies looked at the AI who took upon a cute girl form and was blushing as it said those world.


Suleyman snooze the third time and all 3 other boys looked at him laughing "Someone must be really...really talking about you bruh" Jack said in the extremis way he could think off, and all the boys laughed as they holed back some more laughter.

"Too bad no one is thinking about your poor ass, Jack"  Suleyman said with a sad voice. "I have my dear wife to thinking about me 24/7 dude"  "Oh you lucky traitor. I must ask how did you got qualified for that one man?"

"Well..." Jack brushed his hair backwards with his hand in a fancy fashion "...she asked for my hand bruh" everyone stepped what they were doing "I never thought the day will come that girl's will ask for boys hand in marriage" everyone burst into laughing at what Suleyman said.

"Did she married you then" "No is not like that...we married each other"  "A girl asked for his hand in marriage everyone" the laughter got louder and louder. If it wasn't for the blizzard that constantly changed and increased, Suleyman's Neighbors wouldn't have slept that night.

"Guys...guys at least we have to confuse she is not a normal girl. Things like asking for Jacks hand was not a that big of deal for her. And for him to land a girl like that we must be  broad of our boys"

"But she totally singled you out when she asked for your hand, did she brought a ring?..." Suleyman said trying to stop laughing "I wish I was there to see it"  he added "Oh bro she asked him in public right in the general's office... right before everyone's eyes"

"Come on guys drop the damn subject"

"Is this the confusion night, if so then I have a secret to tell" Suleyman, Jack, Alex, Michael and Allen all turned towards  John who was back from his quest to find something to eat in Suleyman's house, which he did.

"You could say that" Alex answered "I am going out with Lura..." he said with a thine shaky voice. Everyone just stared, they thought he was kidding "I am serious, but tell no soul about this".

Everyone confused that they were Impressed, but Suleyman went in a slow drift of his own. Thinking that it good for her to finally come out of her shell, is been fare too long.

As the boys played, a little girl emerged from the secret door, the boys stared confused "Uncle Suley...." she stopped before she finished her sentence.

"Is that who I think?" John asked "Yeah, that's her Lura's daughter"  Jack answered looking at Suleyman.

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