chap 9

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"Hey there general, you seem down some how-shouldn't you be happy" "Shut it Suleyman, I don't have time for such jokes" Laura brushed him away as she entered her new office. Made of crystal like material the room glimmered reflecting light ever where, only a her chair and a table which are covered in brown animal fur stood out-it was almost as thought it was made to couch her attention.

She softly raped her hand over the chair as she sate on it, it felt worm and comfortable "It was my idea to make your office like this. It serves as your library, office, bed room if you over work yourself and has hot top install in it" she leaned back words and looked at him with un surprised look "Nice, but where is my tech?" he smiled, and touched the only place that looked like a glass in the entire table.

With out her even moving the table adjusted to her position, and the fur moved up projecting a window and revealing a small convertible part of the table that is made off glass, so she can use it if the wants to type. "you type over there and this fur projects it-anywhere " she seemed amazed this time "I have got your mocha for you" now she was even more impressed "Well thank you, I hope your co...mocha is better the Tom's one" she smiled.

"General... how do find... your office" Rei entered the office but was surprised to see Suleyman "Is fantastic Rei, I love it" Rei face glowed with happiness "Rei it is time. When can we start the desorption to reach the rest of the north?" Suleyman tried excusing himself and thought this matter was not for him to listen to as he saw how Rei looked at him. She gave him a single to leave but Laura told him to stay-she need it him and his squad "In a three days general" Rei answered.

"Good Suleyman's squad will do the desorption-when ready to start do inform me" Rei nodded "Can I count on you Suleyman?" his right hand found it's self on the left side of his chest and his left hand behind his lower back "Anytime General" "Good, know let's get to work shall we" "General if I may say. What we found isn't magic-but a different type of energy..." both girls attention shifted to him "Go on" "I found old books in my grandfather room last week by a mistake. One of the books was titled Physics. A branch of the lost science..."

Rei interapted him with a shaky voice "Bu...but Science is a taboo?" he nodded but continued his explanation "Their are many laws that the book talks about, but one stroke me in an odd way. The law is called "The first law of thermodynamics" and it in that law it stats that "Energy can neither be created nor can it be destroyed" so it doesn't make sense to me how we can use magic without doing anything like spells, we found crystals that gave away new energy so we start calling it magic..."

"So what" Rei couldn't understand were he was going with the conversation "I don't, but I am sure of one thing what we found is not magic, but new way to harness energy that we couldn't use before... this must be what the government is doing, they are using Science while they make it look bad in the eyes of the public, they use it behind us...."

In the mean time Sophie sate in her room thinking and calculating all the ways they could die in their attempt to get to the north, it all seamed impossible unless... a knock on her door brute her back to reality 'Who could it be?' she thought. She stood up and looked around, her room looked like a messy library, she quick gathered all of the papers and jammed them all in her closed, some she used her projector to make it look a pill of organized papers, surely a guest couldn't see this house this missy and this was only her living 'God knows how my bed room looks like'

Her apartment was a simple one bed room one bathroom one kitchen and Livingroom truly not for someone of her standard-if she so wishes she could live in a skyscraper.

Sophie finally gathered the courage to open the door, but before she opened she looked through the little screen to see who was it. To her surprise Salim stood there awkwardly raping the back of his neck sometimes running his hand through his hair-patiently waiting. She finally opened the and Salim's eyes almost showed how happy he was but he was able to scrap that look of his face and replace it with his causal cold one "Hi" she sounded surprised to see him.

There was no denying it they had a Strang chemistry between them-but is it 'Love' he had to find out the answers he seeks or he will not sleep to night.

"may I..." he tried getting in, surly he couldn't stand at her door all night-or maybe he could 'if this love, then love truly makes men's might like thin layer of paper' Salim thought. "No you may not" he definitely didn't see that answer coming, defeated he shook his head 'maybe this isn't love' "What kind of a host keeps their guest standing outside?" she chuckled softly "Me, and specially when that very guest invited himself into my house before" ouch, didn't think his past actions would hunt him at a time like this.

"So what brought you to may door steps Salim?" love perhaps, no he could say that "I stared at the blue moon for a while, and..." she interrupted him "And you saw your glories form reflecting of it. If that is even possible..." he tried laughing like normal people do when they hair a joke but his lips could only project what could be called an evil smile. Even she stepped back like any normal person would do "...No I cut a glams of the northing star, and I remembered that you were interested in learning more about their situation" Okay... I completely miss understood him, Sophie thought overring to come in.

"Don't stand their come in" he nodded and slowly made his way to the Livingroom and sate on the couch. The room looked nothing a rich girl Livingroom instead it look like a first year university student room, not that he knew anything about that, but from what he seeing in old style moves, it's messy. "Excuse the scene, I was not expecting a guest" again his creepy smile speed across his face "What's with that smile, is creepy ah hell" sometimes honesty could be brutal but she had to tell him or he will kill someone with someday "Is it that bed?" he was shocked

" What your smile?" "Yes"

"You looked like the guy in that old movie "It" from 2018, men that movie is so old. my sister and I would watch it once every year" creepy? Salim thought. Human emotions were bit mysterious to him, he had difficult time understand them, but lately one emotion hunted him, a worm one.

What a weird feeling "I suppose that's the sister who is in the north" Sophie nodded "Well, I requested a least of the people who live the north, perhaps it will tell us of your sisters last condition" 

To be continued.

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