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Sam's POV

"Sam and I are going ice skating!" I heard Dean yell before he closed the door. I hopped in the passenger seat as Dean got his keys out. I smiled at him as I heard the engine start.

"Why are we going ice skating?" I looked at him as he turned on the radio.

"Sammy you're the new kids, we need to make some friends before school."

"More like you want to "Get to know" the hot girls." As I said that he chuckled.

"You know me too well Sammy." He said and we sped down the road. We got there and I looked around at everyone. I could point out the groups right away. The popular kids, the outcast (honestly me), the jocks, the nerds (gamers and readers split up of course), the geeks, the artist, and the goths.

I grabbed Dean's arm before he could go over to the popular girls, "You are skating with me for a bit before I lose you for the night." He sighed and walked slowly behind me as we went to go rent so skates.

We got out on to the ice and I laughed at Dean as almost fell. He got the hand of it and caught up to me. There were these two kids that were going fast around the rink. They passed us like seven times in a lap. I almost fell when one of the slapped my ass, turning around and giving me a wink as he raced off. When he slapped my ass the other guys tripped and Dean caught him.

I looked back and smiled, "See Dean, ice skating is worth it." The other guy got up, looked at Dean one more time before he caught up with his friend. Once we got back to the entrance we got out. I sat down to take off my skates when the guy who slapped my butt walked passed and put his number on my leg. I looked up at him as he took off his hat, revealing his dirty blond hair. He winked at me and smiled as he handed Dean and little piece of paper. He handed it to me, it was a different number than the one he gave me. I handed it back to him. I saw the other guy talking his hat off, I looked over and Dean was staring at him. He had dark brown chocolate hair. He looked over at Dean and ran out of the door with his head down. I looked back over at Dean and he was heading towards the exit. We walked out to the car and he put it in drive and went.

"Are you ok? You didn't even talk to....... any girls." I looked at him as I heard the engine getting louder.

"I'm fine, I just had fun skating with you." I laughed as he said that.

We got home and saw our dad asleep in the recliner. I went up to my room and Dean went up to his room. We both still had a bunch of boxes still filled up to the top, waiting to be unpacked, but tonight I wasn't going to do that. I laid down on my bed and tried to go to sleep, but I couldn't. I sat up and pulled the number out of my pocket. I put it on my night stand and looked at it as I fell asleep.

I woke up to the sound of Dean running down stairs. I got dressed, grabbed the number off the night stand, and headed down stairs. I sat down and Dean put a plate in front of me, eggs, bacon, sausage, it all looked so good.

"Thanks Dean!" I looked up at him and shoved a form of food into my mouth. He smiled at me as he put down his plate and a plate for Dad. We ate and grabbed our things and got in the impala and headed for school. Dean is only one older than me, but he treats me like a kid (Yeah I know Dean is four years older than Sammy but oh well!). Dean is a Junior and I'm a sophomore.

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