Chapter 5

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Owen:*Shocked* Mommy?!?!?

We just stood there looking at each other because honestly I had no idea what to say and I don't think he did either.


Jordan: Yea baby I know it is!

Owen: *shocked* Wow she knows who I am?

Elle: *proudly* Of course your the England Captain, I don't like your club team but I support my country!!

Faz laughs while I hide my face away from him...


It was Tammy, she soon sees that I'm holding her as Owen stares at us in amazement. Tammy comes over and takes Elle after she says hi and I introduce her to Owen. After they leave...

Owen: So you have a daughter.

Jordan: Yea I do and I understand if that's a deal breaker.

Owen: No I just wished you would have told me sooner.

Jordan: I wanted to see if this was going anywhere becuase she's only 6 and has a wild imagination.

Owen: Well do you see us going somewhere?

Jordan: I dunno... maybe... I'd like to try?

Owen: Me too!

We stare into each others eyes for a while till my phone buzzes and I snap to it to see a text from 'Wasp Man(Dadda) 💛🖤🏉😘' Which was Dad:

"Where r u kiddo?? x"

I replyed with:

"I need 2 sort somethin out can u take Elle bk to pub wiv u and I meet ya there? xx"

He imediatly texted back:

"Corz uno I luv my gdaughter, see u there in 30-1hr?? x"

 I shot back with:

"Yea k xx"

I put my phone away and ask Owen :

Jordan: So Faz what are you doing now?

Faz: Nothing besides going home, why?

Jordan: I feel like I owe you a proper explaination of the matter at hand.

Faz: Only if your sure?

Jordan: Yes if you're gonna get involved in my whirlwind of a life I need you to know everything and I mean everything!

Faz: Ok....


Sorry it's short it's a filler plus I'm rly tired....

- Tink xx

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