Can We Discusss the Elephant in the Room?

Start from the beginning

"Unicorn I don't care about a little dirt. Besides you are one of the most tidy people I know. Come on." He opened the door and Unicorn clenched his hands, ready to run off.

"Unicorn?" Ryan asked calmly.

"Yes?" Unicorn responded nervously.

"Do you want to talk about the elephant in the room?" Ryan asked. Sure enough, there was an elephant in the center of the large room.

"Not really, no." Unicorn man said, still nervous.

"Unicorn?" Ryan asked again.

"Yes?" Unicorn resounded again.

"Is that Tina?"


"Answer the question, Unicorn Mann." Ryan said with fake calmness on his voice.

"Ye-yes?" Unicorn Mann squeaked.



"What did you do to Tina?" Ryan asked, sounding more scary to more he tried to remain calm.

"I did a test on her and it didn't work right..." Unicorn said. "Now she is an elephant."



"CHANGE HER BACK NOW!" Ryan screamed, letting out all of the built up aggression. Unicorn screamed a girly scream.

"I can't! I don't know how!" He whimpered.

"Well FIGURE IT OUT!" Ryan snapped at him.

"Uhhhhh. Ok look. I have a frog spell and-"

"Unicorn that is stupid. We need a human spell."

"No but hear me out. We change her into a frog and then true love's kiss..." Unicorn hinted.

"No. Human potion." Ryan said stubbornly.

"This is the only solution I can think of!" Unicorn man cried out.

Ryan looked at the elephant. Her eyes looked so sad. The elephant wrapped her trunk around Ryan and gave him a hug as if to say "It's ok. If you can't do it I understand. It's my own fault for coming down here and agreeing to be tested on. Every time it ends up badly."

"What was it suppose to do?" He thought to himself.

"Oh. Well. I was supposed to turn into a real life tiger for an hour. It should have worn off by now... Goldy apparently added an extra ingredient." Ryan felt like the elephant was talking to him.

"Uhhh. Tina?" Ryan asked aloud.

"Yes, Cutie?" Ryan felt the elephant think to him.

"How are you doing that?" Ryan asked.

"Wait. What is she doing?" Unicorn asked.

"Elephant powers. My brain is larger now so it can do more stuff at once. I can't talk to you but I can think to you. I can also sometimes hear thoughts." The elephant explained to Ryan's thoughts.

"That's so cool! But what do you think of the plan?" Ryan asked.

"Well I guess, if you want to. I don't want to force you... To-you know-kiss a frog." The elephant responded.

"I want to get you back. Fine Unicorn. I'll do it."

"Really?! Thanks, Cutie! You are the best!" The elephant though to him. Now holding his hand with her trunk.

"Uhh sure. Just do it Unicorn."

"What is she doing?!" Unicorn asked, really wanting to know what was going on.

"Shouldn't have turned her into an elephant or let Goldy near your potions if you wanted to know." Ryan said. He took the frog potion from Unicorn and splashed it on Tina. The elephant shrunk into a small green frog. Ryan gently picked it up and kissed it. Slowly, the frog turned back into a girl, though she was still being held in Ryan's arms. Ryan wobbled slightly due to the sudden weight change, and gently set her down.

"You ok?" He asked her, giving her a hug.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Thanks, Cutie. Unicorn was calling nearby circuses and zoos to come take me..." Tina whined, hugging him back, finding it hard to stand because of what she had just been through.

"Would you like some ice cream?" He asked, breaking away but offering her his arm to help support her up.

"Yay!" Tina squealed. Ryan took that as a yes.


"And that was another day at Daycare!" Tina called out, Ryan helping her to get out of the Daycare.

"Waaaaiiiiit!" Unicorn called out after them.

1073 words, I thought it would be shorter! Well yeah! I had this idea for s title and was like "ohhh how could I do this one?" And then? Well? Here we are! In other news. Yesterday morning I checked the story's stats and realized that we had nearly 400 views. Since then we have made it to just a few views away from 500, meaning that this chapter will definitely push us over that mark! Oh my gosh this is so great! Wow. I'm really glad people are liking this book. Alright guys! Intill next time! Byeeeee!!!

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