
"Well would you look at! Mon Cher Espagne et Angleterre! (My dear Spain and England!) It's a very lovely coincidence to have a reunion, no?" A french? Sounding accent echoed disrupting the heated argument going on.

"Bloody hell you frog?! What in heaven's sake are you doing here?!" Arthur suddenly yelled at the approaching ship. The Ship where the man's voice who disrupted everything had become clearer. It revealed a man with silky wavy blonde-ish medium length locks. He wore a light blue outfit similar to the other two captains, expect it was frillier and more flashy yet fashionable.

"Is it wrong for me to be here? Am i not allowed to be here?" the man pouted.

"Yes." both Antonio and Arthur had said at the same time.

"I just wanted to pay a visit zhats all! Im hurt!" he paused and you were able to meet his blue eyes. A wave of panic suddenly washed over you, 'crap! He noticed me! Is that good?'

"OHonhonhon~ mon Espagne! Whos zhat belle femme hiding there? Zhat lady with H/c hair and captivating e/c eyes" He said.

Immediately after, everyone's eyes were on you. 'What the fuck is with these people!?'

"I don't like people touching, going to, or looking at what is mine." Antonio darkly said. "And clearly you both have done that" he said.

"Gabriel. Juan." he turned to the two men. They nodded as Antonio turned back to the front.

"FUEGO! " Antonio suddenly yelled. You turned to Juan and Gabriel who took a few steps back from their original o]position, they clicked the trigger of their guns, a loud boom had initiated immediately after, heading towards the ship of Arthur. Your gaze dashed all the way to where the bullets hit to see a ginger haired man's shoulder, shot.

("FUEGO" = "FIRE" [in a manner of shooting and gunfire])

Arthur repeated the same words but in english. Gunfire and bullets had replaced the calm sea air of the port in Holland.

Two people landed on the deck of the ship you were on, they came from the nest of the other ship by what you had presumed. They got their swords out and one attacked the crew. You swiftly and discreetly tried to run to the other side of the ship to avoid the gunfire.

You made it to the place with the wheel of the ship to check the view of the battle. It was absurd. Just a few minutes ago, they were just talking, now it was legit war or something.

You scouted and searched for a place to be safe and avoid being joined in the battle. If it were a normal circumstance you';d be hyped and siked to witness the battle but the other part of you was worried that you would die.

Going to the rooms would be bad since you saw that one person had raided inside the hallway. You looked up, the afternoon sun still there despite the clouds and smoke. You decided to stay in the nest, that was probably the best bet. You tried avoiding the gun shooting and sword fighting once more, which seemed impossible.

You climbed the ladder to the nest as quickly as you can, you felt sweat dripping down ,you struggled using your left hand with all the bandages wrapped around it. You were in the middle of the ship floor and the next when your bandage got ripped. You latched your arm around the side of the ladder for support. You used your other hand to remove the bandage so that you could slimb and do stuff properly to actually survive.

You made it to the nest and tossed your body against what was supposedly the wall. Your back landed against a body, just as you were about to look to who was behind ou, you felt a pair of arms snake around your waist, lifting you up. You elbowed the person behind you making their grip on you go away. You looked behind you to see the same blonde French(?)man who practically just butted in the entire ordeal. "Argh! Mademoiselle- you have quite the hit no?" he winced trying to give off a flirty aura. You mentally cringed wondering why he was trying to hit on you at a moment like this. You were about to go back down until you felt another arm snake around your hips.

'What the actual FUCK?!'

This time you resisted the urge to just punch whoever grabbed you from behind. Your face was just centimeters away from the person. You immediately saw his green eyes that were slightly covered by his blonde hair. "Arthur what-" you tried saying before you were cut off. "Angleterre, you look as disgusting as always" the man said.

"I could say the same to you, frog" Arthur said. "Now if you excuse me" he stated then his grip on you became tighter, he jumped off from the nest and into the ocean. His grip on you loosened as you tried going back up to the surface. Your head popped back up to the surface as you flailed looking for somewhere to go. You saw arthur swim towards his shup.you looked back to see that Antonio's ship was further away. 'Screw this!' you swam towards Arthurs ship.

"WALES! TOSS THE ROPE AND GET ME UP!" Arthur yelled, rope suddenly fell, you took your chance and grabbed the rope before Arthur did. You climbed up and bushed your body up to make you fall down to the deck of Arthur's ship. You coughed out the ocean water that made its way to your mouth and tried to regain your composure, if that was even possible.

You saw Arthur up on the rope. He put one leg up on the rail and did the same with the other as he jumped to the deck. You looked to see who was the one who pulled you up since you and most likely Arthur weren't able to see and get a clear glimpse of who saved your lives due to the primary focus of yours was to survive.

Your eyes widened as you saw the tan skinned, dark haired Spaniard holding a sword against Arthur's neck. "Why you bloody spanish bast-" "shut your damn english mouth before i make you" Antonio growled. Arthur put his left leg around Antonio's making Antonio fall down, Arthur got a sword that was lying on the ground and hit his against Antonios. You watched the entire thing with wide eyes. A real sword fight going on in front of your eyes. Your daze was snapped by Antonio yelling.


You looked behind you to see Liam about to hit you. You slid and grabbed the nearest sword that was lying on the floor. You blocked the attack. 'Why is he here?! Didn't he escape?' you wondered as you fought with him using the skills of eskrima you learned months ago.

"What the heck Liam?! I thought you escaped" you said attacking him. "Happy ending don't last long" he half heartedly replied.

As you attempted to stab him in the chest, your wrists were immediately held back. You dropped your sword and felt chains around your wrist. You saw Seamus was the one who wrapped your wrists with the chains. You silently cursed as you tried thinking of ways to get away. You looked up to see the sail and the wheel. You ran up to the platform where the wheel was and placed the gap in between your wrists in between one of the sticks in the wheel to escape. You walked to the side to get them out. You were so close to getting it until the ship started turning completely. Your body was pushed against the force of the ship making you stumble and fall out of the boat.

You immediately made contact with the water once more, with you sinking deeper. You struggled against the water trying to get back up but the weight of the chains were pulling you down. You were sinking deeper and deeper, the light of the sun and the surface getting smaller and smaller. You couldn't hold it in anymore so your last breath was let out. Your sight was no longer there nor were the sound of the bubbles you made.

You thought something had made its way to you but it was none other than death.



Déjà vu- A Hetalia x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now