Candy Shop II

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very fucking long update i do apologize but i was tryin to make up for my big ass updating gap. enjoy :) hopefully :))

word count 7,000 😳 not spellchecked


"Fucking fucker!" The Cuban huffed and slammed her dorm door behind her, unknowingly waking her best friend and roommate up from her regularly scheduled 'in betweener power nap'.



"Shut the fuck up!"

Camila merely rolled her eyes at Solana's attitude. "Geez what's itching you"

"Maybe my roommate that slams doors when I'm sleeping, dumbass. What you slamming doors for anyways?"

Camila exhaled through her nose defeatedly. "Fucking Professor Hamilton is just such an asshole elitist fuckhead. It honestly confuses me how Normani came from a prick like him. She's so grounded and honest and caring and multi faceted and-"

"You sound like you're trynna rearrange her guts."

"And you sound like you should shut up."

"Mad cause I'm right." The brunette rolled her eyes once again, a haughty smirk playing upon her face.

"I ain't mad and I never said you were wrong." She shrugged, dirty grin gracing her features.

"On god we gon get you some pussy bro." Solana deadpanned.

Her bestfriend merely laughed at her dry humor and flopped onto her twin sized bed on her side of the room. "I wish I had a way to get back at him. To show that he's not untouchable despite what his arrogant ass thinks."

She stared up at her ceiling for a beat and then glanced over at her roommate to see her staring right back at her with a twinge in her brows and a look that distinctly read "are you fucking dumb?"

"Are you dumb or stupid? Bitch use your friendship- and I use that term skeptically- with Normani to piss him off."

Camila shot up from her laying position and snapped her head towards the slightly older girl, inquisition evidently displayed. "I can't tell if that's genius or kinda fucked up."

"How would it be fucked up?"

"Well, I don't want Normani to think I'm using her."

"Pfffft. A little flirting, subtle body contact littered here and there. Maybe he just so happens to hear you on the phone with her when you're coming into class. Not using at all. Plus I'm sure you already act like a whore towards her anyways." Once again, a roll of the eyes. Although she knew there was a lot of truth to that. "Since you're in love with her and all."

"Not true. But I still feel like using that as something to hang over her dad is sneaky in a way. I don't want her to think I'm trying to get in her pants for some petty revenge plot. If I'm getting in her pants that's for me and me only. And her of course."

"Can't tell if you meant that in a loving or egoistical way but it's kinda cute . And you're thinking waaaaay too far into this. It's not that deep. Look, if you get the girl while also pissing off her snobby ass, higher than thou negro of a father, then that's a win-win situation." She informed her friend dauntlessly.

Camila blushed uncomfortably at the terminology in her little speech but agreed with everything else she was trying to say. She supposed it wouldn't be completely wrong if her intentions were pure. For the most part. Plus, she cared about Normani. Although she didn't expect it, the girl quickly became an integral part of the latter's life when the previously promised free seshes became a routine for the both of them. They would smoke, laugh, eat, watch hulu, flirt and touch a little too much to the point that it would make the line between fling and friendship a little blurry. It's not like if things did get physical with the two, which the latina was arrogantly sure was going to happen and soon, she would drop the dancer on her ass and pretend like she didn't exist. Maybe she would even want to make what they have something more. She doesn't know, honestly; Solana stared at her expectantly.

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