Zoo York

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Normani's POV

"Come on. It won't even be that scary, I promise."

Somehow I didn't believe her. Somehow I couldn't take the campus's renown klutzy, smooth talking, soon to be heir of a billion dollar company Camila Cabello that whatever we were about to do in a zoo after hours 'won't even be that scary.'

"Listen Richie Rich, I know consequences is a concept that's lost on you but I'm afraid the king of the jungle doesn't care much for your money so let's get out of here while we still have all of our limbs please!" I rushed out, looking around the forest-like habitat Camila had led us in.

Camila rolled her eyes and faced forward, walking through the green abyss. "Keep down and keep it moving. The tropical birds in this exhibit get really peckish if you interrupt their sleep."

I relaxed at the mention of birds, thankful that there wasn't snakes or anything like that in here. "Just birds?" I whispered incredulously yet cautiously. I may not be scared of them but I still didn't want to be shat on or get pecked at. Even if they were just some lousy birds.

"Of course," the millionaire responded, "the orangoutangs need someone to keep them company." She smirked.

"Orangoutang? Did you just fucking say orangoutang? You got me in the same pin as Harambe? Hell fucking no, you need to get me out of-"

Camila interrupted my rambling with her hand sealed firm against my mouth. "First of all, Harambe was a gorilla. Second, will you shut up? While these animals aren't exactly predatory, they can be pretty rambunctious and scary up close if they're pissed off."

I yanked the girl's hand from my mouth because ew, I didn't know where that girl's hands have been. "Ok fine. I'll be quiet. But I don't understand why we're here. This is dangerous, Camila."

Camila sighed and took my hand in hers, leading us further into the leafy habitat. "We're here because I want us to get an A on Mr. Wick's film project. If we had up close footage of us interacting with animals, not only would we ace the project, but colleges would be lining up to snatch us."

She made a good point. I mean, not many people send in videos of them chilling with parrots and what not to the film schools they're applying to. "I better not regret trusting you."

Her eyes twinkled with mischief. "Of course."

Despite my shaken up state, I really did love animals. Maybe I wasn't so well versed with how to interact with giraffes or anything like that but just like anyone else I still think they're cute. Still, I cant help but feel uneasy about whatever exhibit would be our next destination.

"Actually, do you mind telling me where we're going?"

The younger sensed my timidness, giving my hand a firm squeeze as she continued to lead me through the greenery until we reached the gate.

"Here's the thing- and I don't want you to be mad- but just hear what I have to say first." She fiddled with the lock at the caged door, avoiding eye contact with me at all costs.

I opened my mouth to threaten the girl to specify on exactly what we're about to get in a cage with, but I was interrupted by a certain thunderous growl. Or maybe it was a soft roar? The sound echoed around the metal area, its tone reminding me of coffee infused with the most exotic spices abroad, poured inside of a steel black mug. It was a sound full of power, a sound I could admire on a normal occasion if I wasn't about to be in the same vicinity as whatever creature just omitted said sound.

"Camila.." My voice came out so low I couldn't even hear it myself. "Is that a lion?"

"No. It's a panther." She stated meekly, avoiding any eye contact with me.

Normila ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now