Best Friends

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Ever since you discovered that Izuku was in your 4th grade classroom you two were inseparable! And it was even better when you found out that you lived the street behind Izuku's! By the time both of you were in 5th grade, you walked with him every day and even went over his house at times. You two loved to watch All Might videos, pretend to be heroes, and play with hero figurines! Since you came by often, Inko and your dad became good friends as well. When your dad was doing hero work and he didn't want you to be home alone he sent you over to Inko's house. Although your dad wasn't around as much, Inko and Izuku made sure you always had a good time at their place. You loved Inko, she was so sweet and kind. You sometimes helped her bake or cook whenever she gave you the chance to. Izuku loved to watch you help, he was always smiling seeing how you and his mother got along so well.

There was this one time when the both of you were just starting junior high, you and your dad decided to visit Inko and Izuku because you noticed that Izuku hadn't come to school in 3 days. When the both of you got there, Inko explained how Izuku had been sick and still was. You felt bad and Inko saw how sad you were. "I was just going to drop off a snack for him but, would you like to do it instead (Y/N)?" You gladly nodded your head as she handed you over a tray.
When you got in front of Izuku's door you slowly push your back onto the door and to your luck, it wasn't properly closed. You place the tray nearby and looked over to Izuku, who was laying in bed with a small damp towel over his head. His eyes were shut and he was heavily breathing. "He looks so calm." You thought as you stretched out your hand and touched his cheeks. His cheeks were so hot, maybe a little too hot. As you were about to leave and go tell Inko, something or more like someone hugs you from behind. You hear a weak voice whisper "...p-please, do-on't gooo.." your cheeks start to burn a bit as you felt his hot breath on your ear. You give no response though, you just decide to stand there and let him hug you. Seeing that you were not leaving Izuku tightens the hug a bit then lays back down in his original position. "What are you *coughs* doing here (Y/N)?" Izuku asked you. "W-well...I was umm.. leaving you something to eat!!" You replied and got the tray and placed it in front of him.

After that, you offered to help him eat and he gladly agreed and cooperated. Just when you were going to leave the room, Izuku offered you to watch a movie with him. Halfway through the movie, you fell asleep laying next to Izuku. Izuku could barely pay attention to the movie instead, he paid attention to you. His cheeks started to heat up, this felt was a dream. You the girl who stood up for him, became his best friend, and made him feel happy, was curled up right next to him. It felt like his heart could burst at anytime! Looking at you while you were sleeping made Izuku feel new emotions. He looked at your chest slowly rise then fall while you were breathing. He wanted you to be in his life forever, he never wanted you to leave his side! You two were partners in crime after all! He couldn't imagine you leaving, or even being with someone else. "Someone else..?" Izuku felt something spark inside him but, his feelings were quickly interrupted by you waking up.

(Izuku's POV)
It was about night time when (Y/N) left. She hugged me good bye and left with her dad. I definitely felt much better than before, thanks to (Y/N). But I still couldn't get some sleep, I was thinking of her and what would happen in the future. I still don't have a quirk, since I was deemed quirkless. No one wanted to be friends with a quirkless but yet, she did. (Y/N) is my best friend, even though she developed a quirk like everyone else she was still friends with me. She never once used her quirk against me. As I was shutting my eyes I wondered if this was love or something else...

○-----(time skip)-----○

You were now in the last days of junior high. You and Izuku were always in the same classes but, not this year sadly. You really wanted to be there with him, especially once you found out that "HE" was in his class. He made Izuku's life hell when they were younger even nowadays, he always was trying to bring Izuku down just because he was quirkless. You referred to him as the angry blonde porcupine or, "BAKA-go". You knew he always bothered Izuku, even if they both deny it. You saw how Izuku was always sad when class would end but would always smile when he saw you waiting for him. You two were truly best friends!

Class had just ended as the lunch bell rang. "Just 2 more hours (Y/N)..." you thought as you head to the stairwell. Just as you were about to reach the doors leading to the rooftop, you turn around with a big sigh and say "Next time you should really be more sneaking, do a better job Bakugo." You hear a loud "TCH" as Katsuki came out from the corner. You noticed he was following you because you picked up on his heartbeats but you were never gonna tell him that. "Why are you following me?" you say looking down at him. Katsuki leans on a wall and puts his hands in his pockets "I just wanted to see your sorry ass jump off the roof." You glare at him instantly and went down a few steps to get near him. "HA! Sorry to burst your bubble but, I'm not jumping off. Unlike you, I am not a dumbass!" You yell at him pointing your finger at him. You heard a low growl come from the blonde as he makes his way to you. "What's the matter BAKA-go? Did a cat bite your tongue? Or is i-" you were cut off by Katsuki grabbing you and pinning you to the wall. It all happened so quickly. His hands grabbed your wrists as you felt him burning them slightly. His knee was forced right in between your legs. You were breathing heavily, you tried to look at his face but his hair was in the way. You didn't know what to do. You were struggling to get out of his grasp. Finally he came closer to your ear and said "Listen here you slut.." you felt your wrists now being burned badly as he continued to talk. "I AM STRONGER THAN YOU! AND IF YOU THINK I CAN'T TAKE YOUR PUNY ASS DOWN THEN YOU ARE WRONG!" With every word, he said his hands got hotter. Small explosions were sent off and kept pushing your body more against the wall. "I AM GOING TO U.A. AND IF YOU GET IN MY WAY, THEN I WIL-"

You freeze up even more when you hear Izuku's voice. Katsuki moved out of the way and was now looking up at the stairs. "Well, well, if it isn't Deku..long time no see buddy." You also look up to see Izuku, who is looking down at you and Bakugo. You were so happy to see Izuku but yet, something felt off. You noticed he was kinda shaky, on instinct you use your quirk to check his heartbeats. And sure enough, his heart rate was out of control! "Was it because he was afraid of Bakugo?" you thought as Izuku was now slowly descending the stairs. And just as he is only 4 steps away from Bakugo..the unexpected happens. Izuku took out a knife...

(Thank you for reading! Please leave feedback if I should continue or not! Also leave any suggestions that you would like to see me write!)

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