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His footsteps 

made the world turn sour;

this boy's heart

was once one that had the rhythm of


and a smile shining with


he now was the epitome of


He used to blush if he 

wasn't punctual with his arrival, 

(he used to hate his pinkening cheeks)

and he used to beat his rhythm 

into the floor throughout class

for as long as I could remember. 

His tardiness now was just a mere agitation

like the rest of the day, 

        like the rest of life, it seemed.

He slammed his backpack onto the desk, 

collapsed onto the chair

and paid attention to nothing. 

I saw that he had no light

he was not running on human curiosity, 

but now lived on wrath that pulsed black blood. 

My best friend had become a mutilated creature; one that sent some screaming, or some like me who just wanted to cry in anguish on how the tables had spun him so hard that he lost his mind. 

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