Literally so unnecessary

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Okay so like this book has 14k reads and that's a heckin lot of people but don't think I don't notice the people who constantly comment and have stuck with this book throughout the years. You know who you are, thank you <3

Lowkey I'm an attention whore (almost as much as I'm a slut for doritos 👀) so I was wondering if you guys would give me a follow on instagram?

My user is @/night.base

You guys can feel free to dm me and get to know me if you'd like, I'd love to make friends with so many of you. As well as I'd be so happy if y'all suggested a roleplay, I'm always up for that though I have a tight schedule and will ask you guys to be respectful of the times agreed upon to roleplay. I am also open to creating a roleplay group if anyone would like that? Comment here if ya want, or message me on Instagram

The first 10 people to follow me on Insta will receive a follow back there (don't worry I'm an active follower) and on here ((if that even sounds cool to you guys idk))

I'd like to update within the next few weeks, I pinky promise before New Years!! (edit: I broke that promise I'm the wOrst) I really really want to get this book going again it's just so hard to find the motivation

Anyway thank you to those of you who actually took the time to read through this, I love you all, see you guys with an update soon!!

•-Sunday, Dec 2, 1118 pm-•

Unexpected Lovers Willdip/BilldipDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora