Chapter 2: The Mall (mostly) Part 2

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Mall Food Court:
"Wow. She was weird." Said Bill as the group of three sat down at a table for lunch. "Bro." Said Mabel with a huge grin. "What was that lip action all about with Bill???" "Oh...yeah um, I don't really know. Bill?" Inquired Dipper.
"Well I mean, all those girls were swarming me...I just didn't feel like dealing with it."

"Wasn't that your first kiss too bro bro?" "Uh, I guess it was!"

"Ohhhhh nonononono......Pinetree I'm so freaking sorry I didn't know or else I wouldn't have..."

"No Bill," Dipper smiles. "It's ok. I'm glad my first kiss was with you"

*brief ten year montage of Mabel screaming*

"So uh speaking of people, where'd the rest of the group go?" Asked Dipper. "I think they went to go look at some more stores." Concluded Mabel.

After lunch (back at home)
"Pinetree can I sleep over again tonight?" "Sure! I mean, as long as Mabel's ok with sleeping the guest room again"
"It's fine Dipper! I'm staying at Candy's house tonight anyway!!!"


"DIPPER! Get down here NOW!!" Angrily shouted Ford.


Down in the lab
Dipper crept down the stairs, with Bill following closely behind. They found Ford pacing in front of what seemed to be another person. Ford turned to the two boys, and saw the confusion on their faces. Bill especially with his mouth slowly agape. "Dipper...what. is. the. MEANING OF THIS!?!!?!" "What? I don't know, who is this kid?" *sigh* "That's what I'm trying to figure out. He just flew through the portal, which I didn't even know still worked I mean it broke down so long ago the probability of it turning on is..." *Ahem* "Ford?" "Ah yes. The boy. He's been sitting in the corner crying ever since he got here and won't talk to me."

Whilst Dipper and Ford discussed this, Bill crept slowly towards the figure curled up in the corner. By now Ford and Dipper had stopped talking and we're trying to figure out what Bill was doing. As the boy was crying, he heard foot steps coming towards him and turned to look.

His eyes shot open and his mouth opened to say one word. The same word Bill was about to say.


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