Chapter 3: What Happened?

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His eyes shot open and his mouth opened to say one word. The same word Bill was about to say.



Will bolted up and rushed into Bills now outstretched arms. "Where have you been?? What happened to you?" "We..well I made a..a deal...." "Didn't I tell you not to make deals? People always try to trick you into a good deal, but it almost always goes horribly wrong!" "B..but this one soun...sounded good and then th..they lo...locked up and brought out a..a whip and a kni...." *sobs uncontrollably* "Bud, it's ok now, your safe with me. Now stop crying, and come meet my friends." *large shuddered breath* "ok."

With Bill's arm around Will's shoulder, they walked over to where Dipper and Ford were standing with shocked expressions. *whispers* "Guys. Please be polite, like, wave and smile. Will is very sensitive."

"Will, this here my good friend Dipper."

Will's mind
Wow. He's kinda cute. I wonder if he's got anyone special yet. I'll definitely get to know him if he's Bill's friend. Wait. Maybe he and Bill are a thing? The whole family knows he's gay. But I guess he would've said boyfriend...

Back in reality
Dipper was starting to feel uncomfortable because Will was staring at him. But he decided to get a good look at this kid just to scope him out. He looked just like Bill, but everything was blue. His hair, his clothes, and his eyes were an incredible icy blue. Just like how all of those things are gold on Bill. Maybe they are twins? "Hi, I'm Dipper." Dipper reached out his hand towards Will and he flinched away. Dipper gave a puzzled look. Bill whispered something to Will, and he seemed to understand because he outstretched his hand and shook Dippers. Dipper smiled at Will.

Dipper's mind
Will is kinda cute...but maybe that's just because he looks the same as Bill. There's something about Will though. Innocence maybe. He looks so fragile next to Bill.

"And this Will, is Dippers Great Uncle Ford." "Hey kid I'm Fo....."


Will faints into Bills arms and Bill panics. After Ford completing a full body medical scan, he finds out that Will hasn't eaten anything but bread crusts for the past few weeks. He also hadn't had water in 3 days. There were slashed all over his back, and large cuts on the backs of his legs. Bill starts to cry which really worried Dipper. He's never cried before he must really care about his brother...

Time skip (about 4ish hours)

"What kind heartless monster would do this to my brother!??!?! Don't they know who I am?!??! I WILL BRING THE WHOLE CIPHER FAMILY WRATH DOWN UPON THESE PEOPLE" And with that Bill started to turn red which scared Dipper. By now Ford had fixed up Will and he was awake now. *feebly* "Brother! Stop please! It's ok for right now." Bill slowly gained back his normal golden color and sighed. "Of course Will. Anything for you."

"DIPPPPERRRR!!!! I'm hoommeee!!"

Bill and Dipper look at each other and whisper


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