Jane's eyes followed me as I had my own little conversation with myself.

"It's not like I thought of dating her or anything," I explained. "I just thought she was interesting and she made me smile."

"Do you think Hannah is interesting and does she make you smile," Jane questioned.

"Yeah, she's interesting." I stopped in my tracks and turned to face Jane. "She has made me smile before."

"I think we're getting somewhere." Jane clapped her hands together.

"It's not like I want to date her," I said. "Right?"

"That's something only you can answer yourself," Jane said. "How did you stop having a crush on the singer?"

"Well I found out she had a boyfriend and I thought it was very irrational for me to like a celebrity," I answered.

"And to like a straight girl," Jane added.

"Yeah, I guess that too," I said.

"But there could be a chance she could still be bi or pan," Jane said after some thought.

"True, but she's taken," I said. "I don't know why I care. I did not want to date her. "

"Sure keep telling yourself that," Jane said with a scoff.

I walked over and took the seat in front of Jane. "I actually met the singer."

"Did you tell her you love her," Jane teased.

My eyes narrowed into a glare. "No, and I was a mess. I don't think I barely said anything besides thank you. My sister pushed me toward her when I was trying to run away."

"Good sister," Jane said with a nod of approval.

"No, not good. My face was so pink and she kept hugging me," I explained. "I was so embarrassed."

"But those are great memories," Jane said.

"Maybe in ten years," I said with disdain. "I just stopped having my crush because I couldn't live down that embarrassing moment."

"It's hard to tell the girl that hasn't had a relationship before how to feel," Jane said.

"I think I'm just overacting and my body is just trying to adjust to being close with someone again," I said.

"You had friends before," Jane said.

"Yeah, during my freshman year of college," I said. I transferred schools and lost touch with them. I was terrible at staying in contact with people that I did not see daily. I had the same issues with my siblings.

"Did you ever get those feelings where you were nervous and your heart raced?"

I shook my head. They were friends, why would I have a crush on my friends?

"I think you like Hannah," Jane stated.

"Wha...." I could feel my eyes widen in shock as my mind tried to process what Jane had said.

"Hear me out." Jane raised a hand in the air to silence me. "You let her sleep in your bed with you. You let her help you stretch.  You called her gorgeous."

"I...that... that doesn't..." No, it couldn't be. Those were just anomalies that would not happen again.

"When have you actively let someone shake your hand or even hug you," Jane questioned.

"Almost never if you don't include the times when someone does it without asking," I answered.

"When have you let someone come inside your bedroom," Jane asked.

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