Smith, Hughes-Tyler and Jones

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It was supposed to be another day of training for Martha Jones until she meets a peculiar patient and his curious fiancée. Now they're on the Moon with Judoon and a blood-sucking old lady whose wanted for murder.


"What can happen on an average beautiful day? You never know. Celebrate seasonal changes. It's hot for brothers. On a beautiful sunshiny day." Martha Jones wandered down the street, on her way to work, listening to her phone radio.

Before she could listen to the rest of the song, her phone began to ring. On the other side was her sister, a wannabe businesswoman. "You're up early. What's happening?"

"It's a nightmare because Dad won't listen, and I'm telling you, Mum is going mental. Swear to God, Martha, this is epic. You've got to get in there and stop him." Tish pleaded.

"How do I do that?" She queried.

"Tell him he can't bring her." Her sister responded.

However, before she could reply, another person was trying to call her. "Hold on, that's Leo. I'll call you back."

She hung up on Tish and answered her brother's call. "Martha, If Mum and Dad start to kick off, tell them I don't even want a party. I didn't even ask for one. They can always give me the money instead."

"Yeah, but why do I have to tell them? Why can't you?" Before she could say anymore, her mother called next. "Hold on, that's Mum. I'll call you back."

Martha answered, listening to what she had to say. "I don't mind your father making a fool of himself in private, but this is Leo's 21st, everyone is going to be there, and the entire family is going to look ridiculous."

"Mum, it's a party. I can't stop Dad from bringing his girlfriend." She said before receiving yet another call. "Hold on, that's Dad, I'll call you back."

She knew, from the most discussed topic of today, that he was going to say the same thing. "Martha? Now, tell your mother, Leo is my son, and I'm paying for half that party. I'm entitled to bring who I like."

"I know, but think what it's going to look like for Mum if you're standing there with Annalise."

"What's wrong with Annalise?"

"Is that Martha?" Another voice said on the line, one belonging to the girl who stole her father. "Say hi. Hi, Martha, hi!"

"Hi, Annalise!" Martha sarcastically squealed.

"Big kiss, lots of love, see you at the party, babe." She grimaced, already annoyed with her. "Now, take me shopping, big boy."

Finally, there was no one left in her family to call her, allowing her to be at peace for once. Unexpectedly, a tall man in a suit and a girl with ginger hair wandered up to Martha hand-in-hand, stopping her in the middle of the street. 

"Like so." He removed his tie to her bewilderment. "See?"

Then he walked away, leaving only her and the other girl that was with him. "Sorry, you know how he is with social situations. See you later!"

In an instant, they were gone and the strange moment had passed. Martha simply dismissed it, chuckling to herself as she headed to the Royal Hope Hospital where she worked.

When walking in, a figure dressed in all leather with a motorcycle helmet barged past her. "Oi! Watch, it mate."

They turned to face her, staring soullessly before eventually marching on. Could this morning get any more unexpected?

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