Will looked like he had been to hell and back. Twice. Eve had bruises up and down her barely clothed body and there was blood near her pelvic area. She was also passed out and letting out low whimpers every time Will moved. She curled into his chest with arms over her stomach and let out a moan. Silently, her mate snarled.

            "I will personally send each one of those bastards to hell." He growled out.  Jon came back over to me and with a gentleness I didn't know he could posses in this state, pulled me into his arms.  I was positioned so that I could see the stranger come hesitantly out of the cell. It was a tiny girl, looking no older than fifteen, with white-blonde hair and the palest blue- almost grey- eyes. There was a strength about her that made me believe that her stature was misleading. Jon eyed her warily, assessing her threat level. Instantly she bowed her  head and bared her neck in submission.


            "My name is Edris, and I mean no harm to you or your mate." Jon nodded his head before leading us up the stairs cautiously, stopping every other step to hear if there was anyone above. When we breached the first level of the area of our holding I was instantly sick. All around us were what resembled hospital rooms, but held 'test subjects' clearly displayed outside the door.

            "What kind of hell is this place?" Jon muttered under his breath.

            "It is an experimental warehouse that Declan created in order to have super soldiers. Wolves are being tested on to enhance our natural abilities." Edris responded to his rhetorical question just as quietly. Taking in that information we silently made our way around. A doctor rounded the corner with a nurse conversing over someone called 'Patient X' and when they looked up and saw us their eyes widened. Before they could call out or warn anyone, Edris had moved from behind Jon and broke the neck of the nurse who fell to the floor like a broken doll. She had the doctor by the throat and before I could blink, ripped it out. I think we were all staring at her incredulously when she turned back around. She shrugged at our expressions.

            "I've seen the things they do to our people. They deserve worse deaths." Her innocent tone didn't match up with the words, but we couldn't exactly stand around and talk about it.

            "So how do we get out of this hellhole?" Will asked, directing the question to Edris. She scanned her surroundings with a critical eye and I was struck with how this place must have aged her.  

            "Here" She led us to an unmarked door and opened it, "Quickly please, there are more coming." We hustled into the small room, which felt even tinier with all the bodies in it. She motioned to the back corner of the room.

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