Thirty-Seven || To Harm or Heal

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|| To Harm or Heal

As Jacy Parrish left Isaac on the curb, Liam and Mason ducked under the crime scene tape into the high school library.

Tables and chairs were smashed and displays were wrecked. In short, the entire library was in shambles. Again.

The night before replayed in Liam's head as he looked around, guttural screams and roar echoing in the distance of his memory.

Mason, ahead of his best friend, found what he was looking for on a nearby shelf. As he turned to Liam, it was clear as he was lost in the moment. "Liam."

The beta's eyes defogged, looking up to Mason. "Is that it?" he quietly asked.

Nodding, Mason set the large, aged book on one of the still-standing tables. Opening the blue canvas bound book, he flitted through the pages with a near franticness. "This is it. You see these? These are ley lines," he said, tapping an intricate map of Beacon county. "They're mapped according to telluric currents."

"Stiles said that he and Lydia were looking at intersections to find the Nemeton."

"Probably..." Mason traced a line on the map as Liam did the same, their fingers meeting in the middle. "This one."

"But they never found it," Liam said. "They kept going out there to look, but...they said the Nemeton has to want to be found."

"It's a supernatural tree that has to want to be found in order for you to see it?" Mason grinned. "That's awesome. We should just make a copy-"

Liam ripped the page straight out of the book without pause and walked off.

Mason stared down at the defiled book, mouth ajar. He sighed softly, shutting the likely priceless, now worthless book before racing after Liam out of the library.


Ambulance sirens wailed as Lydia Martin was loaded into one, a paramedic and Natalie climbing in after the catatonic teen.

Jordan stood in the loading bay of the hospital, his plan to talk Natalie out of sending Lydia away failing miserably. His hands rested on his hips, frustration muted in his features. "I'm going to find a way to get her out of there. Even if I have to break through the walls."

Dr. Fenris, or who appeared to be so, shut the doors on the ambulance, looking back to Jordan as he walked toward the cab of the vehicle. "Good luck with that, deputy."

"You can't go around saying things like that, especially not as a cop."

Jordan's brows furrowed, sharply turning over his shoulder as the ambulance let off its breaks. "What are you-"

Jacy, standing to the side behind her brother, held out her hand discretely as he moved to touch her. "Don't. I can't explain it, but you shouldn't touch me."

Lowering his voice, he asked, "What the hell is going on? We've been looking for you since yesterday. And that stunt with Isaac you pulled? You stole Allison's phone and picked him up at the airport? What was that?"

"I know, I know it doesn't make sense-"

"Everyone thinks you attacked the Sheriff, J."

Jacy lightly waved an easing hand. "That's why I'm here."

Jordan followed his sister as she moved out of the docking bay and into the hospital. "Did you? Did you attack Stilinski?"

"No," she sharply said, guiding Jordan to the elevator. As the doors shut them in, she didn't look over. "But I can heal him."

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