Mountain, goofus

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Monel had made a mistake. A huge mistake. He was currently hiding in Alex's lab, under her table while she worked.

"You know you're gonna have to tell her right?" She said. 

"You know I can't do that. She said she would drop a mountain on me if I lied to her again. She even specified it would be geographically." He said.

"You can't hide in here forever," Alex said.

"Yes, I can. And I will. You seem really nonplused about this." He said standing up.

"Well, it would be fun to see her drop a mountain on you." She said.

"Wow. Rude." He said. "Fine, I'll go tell her. But if this goes south I'm blaming you."

"I will shoot you." She said finally looking up.

~Kara's apartment~

"Kara I have something to tell you. I know this anniversary we agreed on no surprises... But I have a surprise for you." Monel said.

"I have one for you too," Kara said, she had a weird look on her face. "But you go first."

"Okay here goes nothing," Monel said. He reached behind the couch and pulled out a puppy. Kara got the biggest smile on her face and covered her mouth.

"I found him in a lab. He has some alien DNA graphed into his, but Alex said he's safe for us to keep. I found a bunch more, but I just couldn't let this little guy go." Monel said. He put the puppy on the ground.

"Hello there," Kara said scrunching down to say hi.

"You got me a dog," Kara said smiling.

"I got the US a dog," Monel said smiling back.

"He got me a dog. Oh, I'm so happy!" Kara said picking up the puppy and putting his face next to hers. Monel smiled. 

"Let's name him Romeo." Kara said. 

"I agree. But now we need a Juliet." He said.

"About that." Kara said, setting Romeo on the couch. "That's what I needed to tell you. We're having a baby." Kara said. 

"I'm pregnant?!" Monel said.

Kara starting laughing, "I'M pregnant." She said. 

"Your pregnant too?!" He exclaimed.

"What? No." Kara laughing so hard she had to sit down on the couch with Romeo. "No, babe, men can't get pregnant, well some can, but you can't." Kara explained. Monel still looked confused as he sat down on the couch.

"Your not pregnant, I am." Kara said. 

"Oh. Oh my Rao, we're having a baby! We're gonna be parents!" Monel said. He hadn't ever been this happy before.

"I love you so much Kara Zorel. You are my sun, you give me strength, and I fall apart when you aren't here. Your the best thing that ever happened to me. And now I get to have a family with the women of my dreams. What more could I ever ask for?" He said.

"Your everything to me Monel. I can't believe I was scared to tell you. I love you so much, you Goofus."

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